Long time, no talk!
Hello everyone! I hope you’ve all been having a nice summer. Here in Toronto, it’s been quite hot, but the sunshine has been nice!
As you may have noticed, there was no newsletter update for July. This was because I was away visiting family for two weeks, so I decided to just take the month off. But this means I can now share some of my travel photos with you all!
It was so nice to get back home and visit some friends and relatives I hadn’t seen in a long time. My weeks were jam-packed, and full of exciting adventures. Here are some highlights.
First up, I went to a wedding on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia, which I had never visited before. That alone excited me, and it was so nice to experience some of the town while the wedding celebrations were underway. And I was able to reconnect with some friends I hadn’t seen in years, which was also appreciated.
I also spent the day in Prince Edward Island with my family. We visited the National Park in Greenwhich, something we hadn’t done together since I was a kid. The trails certainly felt a lot longer and endless when I was smaller, but even as an adult I definitely felt the burn the next day. It was amazing to see the towering sand dunes and beaches once more. I even caught some waves while having a swim!
And finally, I visited a friend of mine who had recently bought a home in rural New Brunswick. It was such a lovely spot, and so exciting to see a friend become a homeowner and begin to make it their own.
Throughout my stay, I visited many friends and family, ate lots of good local foods, and just soaked up the sights and sounds of the place I grew up. While I love living in Toronto, it’s nice to get away now and again and reconnect with my roots. I’m certain this trip will give me much inspiration for days to come.
I hope you all continue to have a wonderful summer! I’ll see you next month.