Everything Is True
Ada Hoffmann's author newsletter
It's a week until THE FALLEN comes out, and I've got to admit I'm itching a little on the inside at the idea of writing this post - I have like six different post ideas about themes in the book but I can't post any of them because my publicist is still in the middle of pitching them to bigger blogs. In the meanwhile, it's starting to feel weird and inappropriate to post about anything else, because we're rapidly getting to the point where this book coming out is THE BIG EVENT of my professional life right now. Even if I went on a tangent on some other topic, people’d expect it to secretly relate back to the book.
I am really excited, though! I've got butterflies. I think you're going to love this book.
Here's just some of what's packed into this baby that I hope I'll be able to write about at greater length soon:
Multiple non-neurotypical, traumatized characters banding together and supporting each other
A (mostly, but not entirely, nonviolent) resistance movement based around connection and mutual aid
How ordinary people, in the wake of a disaster, are more likely to help each other than to descend into violence (I drew a lot on Rebecca Solnit's A PARADISE BUILT IN HELL for this book - you will likely see a guest post about this out in the wild sometime soon)
How non-neurotypical characters get manipulated and are vulnerable to certain kinds of abuse (there's, oof, there's a lot of that in there and it was secretly one of my favorite parts)
How I got through burnout and second novel syndrome trying to get this thing written, and what worked for me
You'll see all that soon! Either here or elsewhere.
I'm also kicking off a week of special THE FALLEN threads on Twitter, introducing (or re-introducing) you to the characters and throwing in a few extras on the way. Today's post, putting a spotlight on Yasira and Tiv, is already up.
In other news:
My short story "The Hedge-Witch of Welland," co-written with Jacqueline Flay, is up now in the Summer 2021 issue of Kaleidotrope!
THE FALLEN is featured on IO9 and Transfer Orbit's lists of new sci-fi and fantasy books to read in July! (Though I must say, neither of those summaries is 100% accurate about the plot…)
Look out for an excerpt and giveaway coming up soon on The Fantasy Hive - you could win both THE OUTSIDE and THE FALLEN together.