Million-Year Elegies LAUNCH DAY!
Everything Is True
Ada Hoffmann's author newsletter
Today is the day! Some of you were able to sneakily order paperbacks before the launch, but today is the day when MILLION-YEAR ELEGIES becomes an officially launched book, and when the ebooks become available on Amazon / previously ordered ebooks are delivered, and we’re going to celebrate!
The celebration is happening right on Twitter, and here’s what we’re going to do today:
9am EST - beginning of a GIVEAWAY - several signed print copies will be available for folks who tell me about their favorite prehistoric creature. I have three lovely physical copies of the book here - they're the first I ever held in my hands aside from the unofficial proof copy - and they're all going to go out, signed, to three lucky winners
10am EST - beginning of a MICROFICTION GAME!
12pm EST: beginning of an Ask Me Anything - from noon until 5pm I will be hanging out on Twitter, answering any question folks want to throw at me - book related, dinosaur related, or otherwise.
5pm EST: AMA concludes and giveaway winners are announced.
A new poem is also going live, free to the public, sometime today - “Dimetrodon,” on Julia Rios’s Patreon, which will also be accompanied by an interview.