Everything Is True
Ada Hoffmann's author newsletter
Hello, Everything Is True followers! I had to wait until the afternoon to post this, lest it be mistaken for an April Fool’s joke, but this is something I’ve been excited about doing for a long time. April is Autism Acceptance Month, and I want to use the month to run some interviews so you can get to know a whole month’s worth of autistic speculative fiction authors!
I was really pleased by the response when I sent out the call for authors on Twitter in February. We’ve got enough authors who signed up for this and answered the interview questions that I’m going to be able to run an interview every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in April and still have some left over for May. (Fridays will still be reserved for subscriber-only discussion threads, and Mondays will be left free.)
(Right now I’m only announcing the ones who are scheduled for April, because I’m holding out hope that a few more stragglers who haven’t answered their questions yet will trickle in; but if I’ve told you privately that your interview is scheduled for May, then don’t worry, I have it on my private schedule and haven’t forgotten you. I’ll announce May’s lineup by mid-April.)
The majority of these interviews will be free to read but, since I have subscribers paying for exclusive content here, a few of the interviews (with authors who specifically agreed to it) will be special content for subscribers only.
Here’s our wonderful lineup for the month:
April 6: [subscribers only] Alyssa Gonzalez
April 7: Sunyi Dean
April 8: Nick Walker
April 13: Essa Hansen
April 14: Louise Hughes
April 15: Cait Gordon
April 20: [subscribers only] Mette Ivie Harrison
April 21: Jennifer Lee Rossman
April 22: Richard Ford Burley
April 27: Angeline B. Adams
April 28: Noe Bartmess
April 29: Arula Ratnakar
The first half of May will contain interviews with at least four more authors (one of whom will be subscribers only), and hopefully a few more.
Meanwhile, here’s some miscellaneous news from the past few weeks - or really all of March and a lot of February, because I forgot to include such news last few times I made a free post:
The MILLION-YEAR ELEGIES launch went swimmingly; I managed to somehow become a #1 New Release on Amazon in the category of “Poetry About Nature.” You can read all the microfiction I created during the Twitter launch party here.
I’ve handed in the proofs for THE FALLEN and I’m starting to feel very excited about this book getting its launch in July.
NetGalley hasn’t fully opened THE FALLEN to advance reviewers yet, but a chosen few can get a copy early-early by going to this page and making a “wish.”
Cooties Shot Required, which contains my short story “Back Room,” is available for pre-order.
My flash story “Across the Ice” has been translated into Spanish for the podcast Las Escritoras de Urras.
I talk about MILLION-YEAR ELEGIES and computer-generated poetry on Episode 4 of The Outskirts Poetry Podcast.
THE OUTSIDE appears on the Autistic Pride Readathon and on JaeFictions’ Sapphic Reading Challenge. MONSTERS IN MY MIND also appears on ZOOM Autism Magazine’s list of Stories By LGBTQ Autistic Authors Everyone Should Read.
I, uh, also have a house now.