Everything Is True
Friday Chatter: Open Thread
April 9, 2021
A slight emergency has come up here (no one is in danger, just a lot of annoying logistical stuff needs to be done very fast) so I’m not going to be able to...
Friday Chatter: Open Thread
April 9, 2021
A slight emergency has come up here (no one is in danger, just a lot of annoying logistical stuff needs to be done very fast) so I’m not going to be able to...
April 8, 2021
Nick Walker is a queer trans autistic author, aikido teacher, and psychology professor. In her academic life, she is a key contributor to the field of...
April 8, 2021
Nick Walker is a queer trans autistic author, aikido teacher, and psychology professor. In her academic life, she is a key contributor to the field of...
April 7, 2021
Sunyi Dean is a biracial immigrant and autistic single mom, living the inner-city life in North England with her two young children. When not reading,...
April 7, 2021
Sunyi Dean is a biracial immigrant and autistic single mom, living the inner-city life in North England with her two young children. When not reading,...
April 6, 2021
Today for our very first April interview, we’re talking to Alyssa Gonzalez, an autistic author of short stories. Tell me about a recent work you released. In...
April 6, 2021
Today for our very first April interview, we’re talking to Alyssa Gonzalez, an autistic author of short stories. Tell me about a recent work you released. In...
Friday chatter: Careers
April 2, 2021
This week we finished up the “Autism, Writing, and Craft” series with a look at the choices and strategies available to autistic authors in our careers. If...
Friday chatter: Careers
April 2, 2021
This week we finished up the “Autism, Writing, and Craft” series with a look at the choices and strategies available to autistic authors in our careers. If...
April 1, 2021
Hello, Everything Is True followers! I had to wait until the afternoon to post this, lest it be mistaken for an April Fool’s joke, but this is something I’ve...
April 1, 2021
Hello, Everything Is True followers! I had to wait until the afternoon to post this, lest it be mistaken for an April Fool’s joke, but this is something I’ve...
Autism, Writing, and Craft, Part 3: Choices
March 30, 2021
This is part 3 of my series on what an autistic writing style looks like. If you missed them, here are the links to Part 1 - on character and agency - and...
Autism, Writing, and Craft, Part 3: Choices
March 30, 2021
This is part 3 of my series on what an autistic writing style looks like. If you missed them, here are the links to Part 1 - on character and agency - and...
Friday chatter: Communication done well
March 26, 2021
On Tuesday we talked about autistic styles of emotion and communication and how they can influence an autistic writing style. Today, as we did last week,...
Friday chatter: Communication done well
March 26, 2021
On Tuesday we talked about autistic styles of emotion and communication and how they can influence an autistic writing style. Today, as we did last week,...
Autism, Writing, and Craft, part 2: Communication
March 23, 2021
Here's part 2 of my series on autistic writing styles and how they might differ from neurotypical writing styles. Part 1, looking at character and agency, is...
Autism, Writing, and Craft, part 2: Communication
March 23, 2021
Here's part 2 of my series on autistic writing styles and how they might differ from neurotypical writing styles. Part 1, looking at character and agency, is...
Friday chatter: Character done well
March 19, 2021
We’ve had some lovely discussion already in the comments to Tuesday’s post, talking about the difficulties of being an autistic author and having a slightly...
Friday chatter: Character done well
March 19, 2021
We’ve had some lovely discussion already in the comments to Tuesday’s post, talking about the difficulties of being an autistic author and having a slightly...
Autism, Writing, and Craft, part 1: Character
March 16, 2021
I've been chewing on the idea that characteristic aspects of autistic writing are different from neurotypical writing. I think of it whenever I look at...
Autism, Writing, and Craft, part 1: Character
March 16, 2021
I've been chewing on the idea that characteristic aspects of autistic writing are different from neurotypical writing. I think of it whenever I look at...
Friday chatter: post-launch
March 12, 2021
Whew! Tuesday was a fun book launch! In case you missed it, you can read how it went down in this thread of threads, or read all the microfiction from the...
Friday chatter: post-launch
March 12, 2021
Whew! Tuesday was a fun book launch! In case you missed it, you can read how it went down in this thread of threads, or read all the microfiction from the...
Million-Year Elegies LAUNCH DAY!
March 9, 2021
Today is the day! Some of you were able to sneakily order paperbacks before the launch, but today is the day when MILLION-YEAR ELEGIES becomes an officially...
Million-Year Elegies LAUNCH DAY!
March 9, 2021
Today is the day! Some of you were able to sneakily order paperbacks before the launch, but today is the day when MILLION-YEAR ELEGIES becomes an officially...
Friday chatter: Time Travel
March 5, 2021
Neurodivergent folx are often said to experience time differently than other people (or, in the case of ADHD, for time not to be real at all). This week...
Million-Year Elegies: On Deep Time and Trauma
March 2, 2021
When we think about dinosaurs, we think about trauma. Maybe not immediately, maybe not consciously, but the association is there. We think about large,...
Friday chatter: monsters
February 26, 2021
This week we talked about monsters, and dinosaurs as cultural examples of monsters. What are some of your favorite monsters?
Dinosaur (Monster) Culture
February 23, 2021
I recently read Jeffrey Jerome Cohen's "Monster Culture (Seven Theses)," a foundational work in the study of fictional monsters and their role in human...
Friday chatter: special interests
February 19, 2021
What’s one way that your special interests have enriched your life recently? What do you wish neurotypicals knew about special interests that they often don’t?
Katie the Ceratosaurus
February 16, 2021
Like many children, neurotypical and otherwise, I spent a lot of my early childhood obsessed with dinosaurs. I don't remember how it started. It could have...
Friday chatter: Imagination
February 12, 2021
I’ll always remember a passage in a Tony Attwood book that I read as a teenager, laying out a set of four different autistic coping mechanisms - one of which...
Everything Is True: An Introduction
February 10, 2021
(If you’re getting this email and you don’t recognize the blog name, don’t panic! You’re probably one of my old Mailchimp subscribers. I’m migrating my...
Autism, writing, and the world through a speculative lens.
February 10, 2021
Welcome to Everything Is True by me, Ada Hoffmann. Spec fic writer, poet, autist. They/them. Author of the Outside series. Sign up now so you don’t miss the...
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