October 2022 Launches
October was a busy month for me! As you may be able to tell, I started a newsletter! I also redid my portfolio website so that it functions as something of a backup of this newsletter.

Hole has launched! Finally! I've been working on this comic pretty tirelessly since 2020 and I'm really excited to start showing it to everyone. It follows 27-year-old Jane Nowak as she attempts to figure out what actually happened to her childhood best friend Nat when Nat's ghost begins haunting her. It's my first real foray into long-form horror and I'm excited to flex some muscles I don't usually get to use that much. Five pages have gone up onto the site and from now on it'll update with a new page every Monday, with pages going up a week early on my Patreon and breaks between chapters. I've really put a lot of myself into this one, I hope everyone enjoys it!

Also launched this month is the second issue of my heretofore Patreon-exclusive erotic comic, Blix & Vega! PDFs of both XXXercise and Work From Home are available on my itch.io store.
Blix & Vega is my hands down my most fun project I've made in recent memory, centering on the sexy hijinks of Blix the metalhead thembo and Vega the bossy emo as they both annoy and have sex with each other. So little WLW porn out there actually appeals to my transmasc butch sensibilities so I wanted to try my hand at it and I'm pretty happy with the results. More granular content labels can be found on their individual listings (Work From Home here, XXXercise here) but they can be bought together for a slight discount if you click here.
With all that said, I didn't really have time to draw any seasonal illustrations this year and I'm kind of sad about it. Have this one from last year to tide us both over until next year.

Happy (a little belated?) Halloween!