Chapter 03 of Hole has started!

Click here to start reading it, or of course you can check out new pages ahead of time over on Patreon!
I’m very excited to share this one with you all. It marks the end of the “opening” section of Hole, and after this we can start drilling down into what this thing is actually about. Sorry, I made this about drilling hole. I’m sorry.
Another thing I wanted to mention because I think I have neglected to outside of my socials (my bad! still getting used to this) is that as well as Hole updates and prints mailed to you on my Patreon I also have a series of pup play human pets based around different dog breeds up for the NSFW tiers. Here’s a little sample if that’s the kind of thing you’re interested in:

Lastly, while it feels tacky to tack it on at the end here like this, I wanted to say that the ongoing genocide in Palestine is still ongoing, and that whatever anyone can do to help bring attention and aid to the plight of the people there is of the utmost importance right now. An organization I belong to, the Cartoonist Cooperative, is doing a donation drive wherein people who donate E-Sims to the people of Gaza can get art and comic rewards from various people in the Co-op. While I myself had to drop out of contributing art for health reasons, there are many more people involved who would love to reward you for whatever you can contribute at this time. The only thing any of us really have in this world is eachother, and we have to take care of as many as we can.