Adam Chapnick's Newletter, March 9th, 2020
Thanks for subscribing to this newsletter. I hope to use it to update you on what I’ve been thinking and speaking about, where I’m speaking next, and people and issues that have caught my attention.
In the Media
Over the last three months, I was interviewed by Global News about Canada’s position on United Nations Security Council reform, and spoke with journalists from the Canadian Press (twice), the National Post, the CBC, and the Canadian Jewish News, as well as 770 CHQR Radio in Calgary 900 CHML in Hamilton about Canada’s Security Council campaign. The Chronicle of Higher Education also published an article about a teaching innovation that I introduced this year in one of my classes.
Having never been part of a podcast before, I was featured in two, both of which focused on Canada and the United Nations Security Council: one by the Canadian Global Affairs Institute and one by the Champlain Society.
I launched a blog this past December. Thus far, I have written about Question Period, quiet diplomacy, partisanship in Canada’s UN Security Council bid, and promoting respect for human rights.
Along with Professor Christopher Kukucha, I wrote “How minority governments can influence foreign policy,” for The Conversation Canada. My new policy brief, “Canada’s campaign for a seat on the United Nations Security Council: A historical perspective,” was also released by the Canadian Global Affairs Institute.
Public Speaking
I discussed Canada and the United Nations Security Council at a Canadian International Council event in Ottawa; at a meeting of the staff of the Canadian Permanent Mission to the UN in New York; and at a graduate student colloquium at Glendon College. I spoke about Canadian foreign policy to a group from the Department of National Defence responsible for land equipment program management. And I spoke about the history of Canadian external relations to three branches of the University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Studies University Lecture Series (Oakville, Markham, and downtown Toronto).
Upcoming Talks
Over the next few months, I will be speaking to Canadian International Council Branches in Winnipeg, Edmonton, Saskatoon, and North Bay about Canada’s bid for a seat on the UN Security Council. I’ll be on a panel hosted by the University of Ottawa’s Centre for International Policy Studies on the same issue. I’m scheduled to begin a six-lecture series on the history of Canadian foreign policy for the Georgian Triangle Lifelong Learning Institute in Collingwood. I’ll be speaking to the Canadian Federation of University Women in Toronto about the United Nations and to the members of Lifelong Learning Niagara about Canadian trade policy. Finally, I’m very much looking forward to a conference celebrating the career of my PhD supervisor, Professor Robert Bothwell, to be held at the Munk School in Toronto in April. I’ll be speaking about his teaching, and specifically, his lectures.
If you’re looking for a speaker, you contact me here.
This looks great…
If you’re on Twitter, the always impressive University of Waterloo professor, Veronica Kitchen, is co-organizing the Women in International Security – Toronto’s second Twitter Conference, to be held on April 7.
Something to read…
And if you’re looking for a great read, try Hugh Segal’s new book, Bootstraps Need Boots: One Tory’s Lonely Fight to End Poverty in Canada. It’s inspirational.
You can follow me on Twitter @achapnick.
If you know others who might be interested in this newsletter, please send them here.
My latest book is Canada on the United Nations Security Council: A Small Power on a Large Stage.