The Monthly Monitor: Ruby 3 coming this Christmas
Dev Joke
Q: What is programmer's favourite hangout place?
A: Foo Bar
Q: Why couldn't the React component understand the joke?
A: Because it didn't get the context.
My blogs
Reading/watching list
- Ruby is a dynamic typed language and Matz has already spoken about introducing static type checking in Ruby 3. Sorbet and RBS are two type checker I came across. Read more on understanding the state of Ruby 3 Typing.
- Most popular database for Rails? Came across this question on Reddit and noticed some mentions about Graph technology is the future. I am more curious about the graph database and invested some time in understanding them. Graph Databases for Beginners: Why Graph Technology Is the Future
- When you explain the query in the database, you'll find sometimes Postgres Won't Always Use an Index
- A major React release with no new features. React 17 Release candidate
- Upgrading GitHub to Ruby 2.7. Learn how GitHub was upgraded to use Ruby 2.7 and is successfully running on Ruby 2.7 and Rails latest.
My Open-source libraries/contributions.
- The abstract parent class file generated via generator should not be pluralized. #39969
- Fixed the column type typo in the scaffold command for multi-database guide. #39965
- Document dbconsole command for multiple database. #40024
- Documents other_than option for numericality validation. #40099
- Adds preview images for ActionText PDFs and Videos in trix html. #39113
- Added test cases for Action Text install generator. #39317
- Added test cases for Action Mailbox generator. #40069
- Format the multiple database error to ignore default from the AdapterNotSpecified error message. 40070
Rails changelog
- Include layout when rendering objects from controllers. #39869
- Generate abstract class when generating scaffold in another database. #39866
- Add config.active_record.check_schema_cache_dump_version to disable schema dump version check. #40108
- Add ActiveSupport::Duration conversion methods. #38699
- I am watching: Fullmetal Alchemist.
- I will start reading Atomic Habits.
Happy coding folks. You can reach out to me twitter for anything and I’ll be happy to chat. Don’t hesitate.
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