Rails Chronicles
The Monthly Monitor: Aim for excellence, not perfection.
February 28, 2022
Hi Friends, How is it going? I had some time off since my last newsletter and major life update. Dev Joke source Reading/watching list Deconstructing React...
The Monthly Monitor: Happy Diwali 🪔
November 4, 2021
Hi Friends, Wish you all a very happy and safe Diwali 🪔. This past few months I have been super busy helping my team at AngelList to prepare and launch our...
The Monthly Monitor: Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.
September 5, 2021
Hi Friends, Dev Joke Q: Why did the JavaScript developer lose their job? A: They couldn’t keep their Promises Reading/watching list Pushing boundaries |...
The Monthly Monitor: Dream big dreams. Small dreams have no magic.
August 2, 2021
Hi Friends, Dev Joke source Reading/watching list Have you ever questioned yourself when you see errors in the browser console regarding missing keys in...
The Monthly Monitor: Be an encourager, the world has enough critics already.
July 3, 2021
Hi Friends, I hope everyone had a great month. Mine was awesome and jampacked with work. Bit late to sending the newsletter out but this would be the 12th...
The Monthly Monitor: Winning starts with beginning.
June 1, 2021
Hey Friends, A busy month for me at work. Not much to share. Started learning docker this month. Dev Joke Developer project roadmap source Reading/watching...
The Monthly Monitor: Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.
May 2, 2021
Hey Friends, This was a busy and scary month. We saw a sudden surge of COVID cases in India and the situation is back to where we all started back in 2020. I...
The Monthly Monitor: A goal without a plan is only a wish
April 1, 2021
Hey Friends, Rails conf is happening this month on April 12-14. Please checkout the schedule on: https://railsconf.com/ Secondly, React-Trix-RTE packages...
The Monthly Monitor: Go beyond yourself rather than beyond others.
March 1, 2021
Hey Friends, How is it going? Hope you all are doing fine in this crazy times and taking care of yourself. Let have a quick recap of this month. Firstly,...
The Monthly Monitor: It doesn't matter where you start. Only that you begin. - Robin Sharma
February 1, 2021
Hey friends! Dev Joke Q: Why did the functions stop calling each other? A: Because they had constant arguments. source My blogs Setup CircleCI 2.0 with Rails...
The Monthly Monitor: Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. - Steve Jobs
December 30, 2020
Hey friends! We made it! 2020 is over! This is last issue of the year I hope everyone stays happy and healthy. Let’s go! Dev Joke My blogs Automate your...
The Monthly Monitor: Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.
December 1, 2020
Hola! Dev Joke Question: What do computers eat for a snack? . . . Answer: Microchips! source My blogs Bootstrap + Rails via webpack Reading/watching list...
The Monthly Monitor: As you think, so shall you become.
November 1, 2020
Hola! Dev Joke #pisa-tower { font-style: italic; } source Best code comment: // // Dear maintainer: // // Once you are done trying to 'optimize' this...
The Monthly Monitor: Practice makes permanent.
September 30, 2020
Hola! Dev Joke A SQL query goes into a bar, walks up to two tables and asks... “Can I join you?” source My blogs Have you ever felt the need to automate the...
The Monthly Monitor: Ruby 3 coming this Christmas
August 31, 2020
Dev Joke Q: What is programmer's favourite hangout place? A: Foo Bar source Q: Why couldn't the React component understand the joke? A: Because it didn't get...
Abhay's July Newsletter
July 27, 2020
Dev Joke Q: Why didn't the `<div />` get invited to the dinner party? A: Because it had no class. source source My blogs File upload in GraphQL-ruby and...