003 - The Power of Twitter
This week, Twitter surprised me in 2 beautiful ways. When things like this happen, it’s such a beautiful reminder of the power of Twitter.
Ooh, I just looked at my subscriber count for my newsletter, and I’m up to 26! Would love to hit 30 before I send out my next newsletter this weekend! I write about tech and share resources and events that I find about software dev and startups
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My small corner of the world.
On Friday, I shared the above tweet. Twitter came through, and I’m currently sitting at 35 subscribers! That’s a ~33% growth which is really exciting. To all the subscribers - thanks! I hope you get value from my newsletters, and please know I’m always open to feedback.
Hey friends! I’m doing user discovery at the moment. If you’re between 18-50 years old, and have traveled at least once internationally, and generally travel about twice a year (business or personal) then I’d love to talk to you! Interested? Reply here or DM me <3
Yesterday, I tweeted out about a new project I’m working on, and how I was looking to do user discovery interviews. My goal was to find 5 people (outside the few friends I’d already talked to), and wow did Twitter deliver. Through a combination of likes, retweets and good timing, I had 20 people (many of which were folks I haven’t met before) reach out and offer to help.
I am but a small fish in the giant pond that is Twitter. Many celebrities use Twitter as a way to communicate. Ellen Degeneres managed to take down Twitter by posting a photo of her and some celebs on her account at the Oscars. However Twitter isn’t just for celebrities - and we’ve seen this many times through movements that start as hashtags like #BlackLivesMatter, #BringBackOurGirls and #ASLIceBucketChallenge. Twitter as a tool is a great reminder of how an idea can start as something simple, but grow and have a huge impact in the world.
If you can’t tell - I’m a huge fan of Twitter ;)
New Blog Posts and Updates
Add a Newsletter To Your Site Using ButtonDown - Continuing the series on getting your personal site or landing page up and running, here’s a post on how to add a newsletter to your site using ButtonDown.email and Netlify Functions.
How To Reach Your Career Goals Using Effective Accountability Systems - On May 13th at 11am EST, 6pm EAT I’ll be giving a virtual fireside talk on how to reach your career goals using effective accountability systems like hype docs.
Little Plugs
I like the idea of plugging interesting projects that I see around the internet.
Board Games Online - looking for something to do with some friends? Here’s a massive list of board games that can be found online.
Quick Budget App - Here’s a really nice, simple, easy to use budgetting app
How to Prioritize as a CEO - prioritizing and pivoting are hard skills for any leader to master, but is a necessary skills for the leader of a company.
Interesting Events This week
Here are some events I’m attending this week
Content & Customer Acquisition - an event hosted by the Violet Society to learn how to grow your customers and improve your search engine optimization strategies.
Quote of the week
Come from Sam Altman
You can either build something that a lot of users like a little bit, or that a small number of users love a lot. The total amount of love is the same, it’s just a question of how it’s distributed and there’s a law of conservation of happiness in terms of how much you can put into the world with the first product of a startup.
Question Time!
I’d love to get to know my audience better, and hope that you reply
to this email or tweet me an answer:
What’s an event you remember happening on Twitter?