Aashni's Archives
016 - Do You Break These Unspoken Meeting Etiquette Rules?
August 10, 2020
Last week I posted a tweet asking for advice on how to deal with someone that has flaked on 2 previously scheduled zoom calls and it really seemed to spark a...
015 - Stop Reinventing The Wheel: The Build vs Buy Debate
August 3, 2020
As a developer, whenever I hear about a problem or project, my first instincts are what can I build to fix this, quickly followed by what technical stack can...
014 - What does RottenTomatoes have to do with focus?
July 28, 2020
As part of the Mozilla Builders Incubator, we had Patrick Lee, the founder of RottenTomatoes host a session on focus. One of the statements that really...
013 - A Launch, A Hack and GPT-3?
July 20, 2020
A Launch I'm really excited to share that I launched HypeDocs.co last week! If you've been following my content for a while, you'll know I'm a big fan of...
012 - To Become A Global Product You Must Price Locally
July 13, 2020
Over the last few months I've been hosting a Virtual Quiz Night Fundraiser through quiznight.org. I was honestly surprised when the quiznight.org domain was...
011 - Words Have Power, Even In Code
July 6, 2020
Words have power, and a lot of it. I sat down to write a blog post for this week and originally wanted to follow up on my Git Guide for Beginners post by...
010 - From Concept To Code, The Hackathon Way
June 29, 2020
Let's start by talking about the giant elephant in the room - yes, I missed sending out a newsletter last week. If you read my previous newsletter, you'll...
009 - It's All About Shooting Your Shot, And Giving It Your All!
June 15, 2020
This last week had the least number of meetings in my calendar, and yet it flew by. A few weeks ago I applied to the On Deck Fellowship. It's a community of...
008 - What a Movement Means in the Age of Social Media
June 8, 2020
I've spent a lot of the last week glued to my twitter feed. With the high attention #blacklivesmatter received this week, I am so appreciative of twitter as...
007 - How To Support Black Lives Matter No Matter Where You Are
June 1, 2020
This has been an extremely long week. No matter where you turn, you will see updates on the Black Lives Matter movement, and protests. My intention for this...
006 - The Power of Mindshifts To Making You a Happier You
May 25, 2020
Mindshifts, are about changing your thought process so that you can be happier or focus on the positives. I've been a big fan of mindshifts for a while....
005 - Technology can Change the World in Small and Big Ways!
May 18, 2020
I’ve always believed that using technology the right way has the power to make big changes for people all around the world. Because of the size and scale of...
004 - Compliments are like fake phone numbers, they're not progress
May 11, 2020
This week I conducted 10 user interviews, and wow did they tell me a lot. If you're a founder interested in building a product - actually if you're involved...
003 - The Power of Twitter
May 4, 2020
This week, Twitter surprised me in 2 beautiful ways. When things like this happen, it’s such a beautiful reminder of the power of Twitter. Aashni Shah | 🇰🇪🇨🇦...
002 - Feel All The Feelings
April 27, 2020
"Why are you doing so much work?" This originally started as a thread on twitter, but I felt like it's the perfect topic for this weeks newsletter. I was...
001 - Is "Hello World" Still a Thing?
April 20, 2020
I fondly remember the days everyone created their own wordpress website, and the first blog post was always titled Hello World. Is that still a thing today?...