Writing Sessions
TIMETABLE CHANGE: Friday morning cancelled
February 15, 2022
Forgive me. Friday morning is off. Circumstances conspire against us. The rest of the timetable stands! X
Writing sessions: Week 59
February 13, 2022
Faces that launched a thousand ships, each, which is a lot of ships: Schedule! No Weds morning this week. Otherwise it's a full and fabulous feast. MORNINGS...
Reminder about tomorrow; face news from Michelle re Friday
February 9, 2022
Hello lovely faces! Just a reminder that there is no meeting tomorrow morning. She who writes, writes alone. Courage all. (But join the midday and evening...
Writing sessions: Week 57
February 6, 2022
Faces of my heart, Behold! The schedule. No thursday morning this week. Behold! Face news. Send me yours! I will put it here for two sparkling weeks!...
Writing sessions: Week 56
January 30, 2022
Beloved faces, Once again, no Friday morning this week. Ol' "long weekends" Bishops strikes again.Also I have Face News for the first time in forever! Mine,...
Writing sessions: Week 56
January 23, 2022
Faces of the future, No Friday morning this week! Otherwise, have at it: MORNINGS - 9.30 - 11.30 GMT - Everyday except Sun AND FRIMIDDAY - 12 - 1 GMT - Mon -...
Writing sessions: Week 55
January 16, 2022
Fairest faces, It's a full timetable! Sharpen your pencils. MORNINGS - 9.30 - 11.30 GMT - Everyday except SunMIDDAY - 12 - 1 GMT - Mon - Fri EVENINGS - 6.00...
Writing sessions: Week 54
January 10, 2022
Alllllrighty, late but great: MORNINGS - 9.30 - 11.30 GMT - Everyday except Sun AND WEDSMIDDAY - 12 - 1 GMT - Mon - Fri EVENINGS - 6.00 - 8.00 GMT - Mon,...
Timetable to follow...
January 9, 2022
... but for now, yes we are on for 9.30 GMT monday morning! At the usual link - 893 0884 4578 / Passcode: 226949 (I can't host Wednesday morning this week so...
Writing sessions: Week 53 - New lunchtime sessions added!
January 2, 2022
HaaaAAPPY NEW year, faces! Excited to see you all. Big up to Alex for offering a new set of sessions this week - midday for an hr! For any lunchbreak-writers...
EXTRA MEETING - new years day!
December 30, 2021
Hello pals! There is a saturday-morning-meeting this week that was not on the timetable. So if your new year's resolution is writing-related, you can get in...
Writing sessions: Week 52
December 27, 2021
Faces, A year! A whole blummin year. This was a new year's resolution this time 2020, intended to last for january... thanks for being superb. Enough of the...
No Monday - more to follow - merry boxing day!
December 26, 2021
Boxing-faces, tomorrow is not on - I'll send a full timetable later in the day! Hope you all had festivities coming out of your ears, or failing that, peace...
Writing sessions: Week 51
December 19, 2021
Ello! No mornings still on account of the Plague - if anyone would be up for hosting them in my place, drop me a line and I'll send round the Good News....
Tomorrow (fri) morning CANCELLED
December 16, 2021
I got the covid :( Plus side: I can't give it to you over zoom Down side: I would like to sleep for always so will not be up for morning faces. Sorry! Write...
Writing sessions: Week 50
December 12, 2021
Fifty weeks of faces! What a time to be alive. Here are some times at which to be alive and, furthermore, to write: MORNINGS - 9.30 - 11.30 GMT - Everyday...
Writing sessions: Week 49
December 6, 2021
O come all ye faceful, preferably at these times: MORNINGS - 9.30 - 11.30 GMT - Everyday except SunEVENINGS - 6.00 - 8.00 GMT - Mon, Thurs, Sun All at this...
Writing sessions: Week 48
November 28, 2021
Time for face facts. Namely, that your timetable is: MORNINGS - 9.30 - 11.30 GMT - Everyday except Sun AND THURSEVENINGS - 6.00 - 8.00 GMT - Mon, Thurs, Sun...
November 24, 2021
Sorry gang! Weds and Thurs morning are off. Plz do continue to write and have faces nonetheless. X
Writing sessions: Week 47
November 21, 2021
Hola mis facios, As you read this, me and my excellent spanish are off on a bus to spain. Big thanks to Yael and Sally for stepping in to host. Here, thanks...
Writing sessions: Week 46
November 14, 2021
You spin me write round, baby (No sorry that one wasn't good). Folks, I'm very-possibly going away next week (ie week starting 22nd), is anyone able to host...
Wrong time zone advertised
November 8, 2021
Hi guys, British clocks have gone back an hour to plain ol' GMT, so all times are in GMT, not GMT+1. Thankyousorrybyyyye
Writing sessions: Week 45
November 7, 2021
Two wrongs don't make a write... But two hours do, OH HIGH FIIIIVE. Choose your poison: MORNINGS - 9.30 - 11.30 GMT+1 - Everyday except Sun AFTERNOONS - 2 -...
Additional afternoon session on WEDNESDAY this week
November 1, 2021
Big up to Alex for hosting an extra session (and pre-emptively to Clem for hosting afternoons next week!). WEDNESDAY, 2 - 4, same link as the rest. x
Writing sessions: Week 43
October 31, 2021
Writemaker writemaker, make me a write, Specifically at the following times: MORNINGS - 9.30 - 11.30 GMT+1 - Everyday except Sun NO AFTERNOONS THIS WEEK...
Writing sessions: Week 43
October 24, 2021
Hello! Writing ahoy. Sharpen your pens and shine your boots. MORNINGS - 9.30 - 11.30 GMT+1 - Everyday except SunNO AFTERNOONS THIS WEEK (Would YOU like to...
Weds (tomorrow) morning CANCELLED
October 19, 2021
Hi guys, sorry, no session tomorrow morning (unless you YES YOU want to host it?). Mea culpa, mea faces x
Writing sessions: Week 42
October 17, 2021
42! The Answer! To the Ultimate Question! (For anyone following the saga of my life via these emails: I have a phone now, all's fine.) MORNINGS - 9.30 -...
Thursday evening cancelled
October 13, 2021
No meeting tomorrow evening - sorry! Tonight we all compared heights and let me tell you it was a trip. Who knew faces had bodies. See y'all soon x
Writing sessions: Week 41
October 10, 2021
I have no phone! Disaster! It died a sudden death. I realise I only ever email y'all but I just want you to KNOW. Timetable, for despite my WOES I must...
Writing sessions: Week 40
October 3, 2021
Week 40! This was only supposed to be for january. And now here we are with ten children and a farm and so on. Slightly odd timetable, read it closely folks....
Writing sessions: Week 39 - NO MONDAY
September 26, 2021
Are these the faces that launched thirty nine weeks of writing sessions? (Yes.) NB I can't do Mon/Tues morning this week - sorry folks. Also afternoons are...
Writing sessions: Week 32
September 19, 2021
O come all ye faceful, Specifically at these times: MORNINGS - 9.30 - 11.30 GMT+1 - Every day except Sun AFTERNOONS - 2.00 - 4.00 GMT + 1 - Mon, Fri EVENINGS...
Writing sessions: Week 37 - NO MONDAY MORNING
September 12, 2021
Faces of my heart, Here's this week's times - NB no Monday morning, ie tomorrow, ie probably today when you're reading this. But there's a Monday afternoon...
Writing sessions: Week 33
September 5, 2021
Acest of faces, Behold this week's timetable! (As ever, if you'd like to host any additional sessions, get in touch! (Hosting is easy as pie with some lemon-...
Correction, no Monday morning!
August 29, 2021
Sorry guys, schedule was a bit wrong: there’s no Monday morning (tomorrow). Yours sheepishly Sylvia x
Writing sessions: Week 35
August 29, 2021
Facial beauties, Couple of little timetable changes this week, Read With Care. Eagerly anticipating your faces. MORNINGS - 9.30 - 11.30 GMT+1 - Every weekday...
August 26, 2021
A Thursday night special tonight, courtesy of Conor. 6 - 8, at the usual link! Sylvia x
This evening cancelled
August 25, 2021
Apologies faces, no weds eve meeting tonight! Have merry wednesdays one and all. x
Writing sessions: Week 34
August 22, 2021
Face-apples of my eye, No afternoons this week! Rise early, ye who would write. (Or get in touch to host afternoons…) MORNINGS - 9.30 - 11.30 GMT+1 - Every...
Writing sessions: Week 33
August 15, 2021
Faces Fair, I am on holiday. What a concept. Applause please for Yael, who is stepping in for a load of mornings and afternoons this week (and ongoing...
August 13, 2021
Extra! There'll be an extra evening meeting this evening and tomorrow evening! 6 - 8pm (UK time, GMT+1) At the usual link - 893 0884 4578 / Passcode: 226949...
Next week
August 11, 2021
Hello faces, I'm away next week, so won't be able to run any weekday mornings :( If you'd be available to run any that week (and I'll poss be looking for...
Writing sessions: Week 32
August 8, 2021
M'faces, I'm self-isolating! Nooo. Come human-contact me. Same bat times, same bat link: MORNINGS - 9.30 - 11.30 GMT+1 - Every day except Sun AFTERNOONS -...
Extra! Extra!
August 7, 2021
There’ll be an extra evening meeting tonight! 6 - 8pm (UK time, GMT+1) At the usual link - 893 0884 4578 / Passcode: 226949 Yours, extraneously, Sylvia x
Writing sessions: Week 31
August 1, 2021
HellohellohellO! This enthusiasm is brought to you by a week of logistical largely-train-based FANDANGOS: I could not be more excited to be staying firmly at...
Writing sessions: Week 30
July 26, 2021
Oh come all ye faceful: It's a very full schedule this week! Thanks so much to everyone jumping in to host. Nb afternoons are now an hour earlier. Face news...
Writing sessions: Week 30 - a pre-script
July 25, 2021
Hello hello, I haven't got my act together yet for a schedule: to follow v soon! For now - Monday morning is happening at this link - 893 0884 4578 /...
Correction! Correction!
July 21, 2021
I am a bear of very little brain. Yael’s afternoon sessions this week are in fact Weds (today) and SUNDAY, 2.30 - 4.30. Sorry for the excess of emails y’all....
Extra afternoon sessions!
July 20, 2021
Extra! Extra! The excellent Yael will host afternoons at the slightly-different time of 2.30 - 4.30, Weds and Sat this week. Same link. Happy writing! Sylvia x
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