Writing sessions: Week 9-10
Hello you pretty faces,
Zoom links and face news (face facts? Could we call it that? Is that GENIUS or sleep deprivation? Who can say)... ahrm, anyway, all you need for the second week of March is below.
Yours, but not in a legally binding way,
Sylvia x
Get yerself along to Bryher's picture book chats at 3pm on Saturdays! Informal picture book loveliness, same time same link every week. On 20th Paddy'll be chatting about his work, so that'll be a faces double bill.
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85994459301?pwd=WlpEMEllQ01VaUY5Z2c0QU5tMkxrUT09 Meeting ID: 859 9445 9301 Passcode: 473376
Illustrated by Face Favourite Paddy, a new PB available here
Hom is the last of his kind. I don't know what kind of creature he is, and nobody knows he exists... apart from me. When a boy washes up on a desert island, he is sure he's on his own in the world. But there's someone else living there: Hom, a peace-loving creature who has lost his family, too. Alone on the island together, they learn from each other and become the best of friends. So when a rescue ship appears on the horizon, the boy has a big decision to make...
Last one!
Settings that stick, 13th March - Spaces that are MAGIC in childhood, and why, and how to use them to write books that make children stay in bed all day and daydream afterwards.
All morning meetings are 9.30 - 11.30 GMT
All evening meetings are 6.00 - 8.00 GMT
Monday 8th
Morning 836 1628 8769 / Passcode: 097646
Evening 868 0789 0980 / Passcode: 086549
Tuesday 9th
Morning 830 5457 0945 / Passcode: 031937
Evening 817 1902 7534 / Passcode: 185498
Wednesday 10th
Morning 861 7781 8373 / Passcode: 801268
Evening 825 5730 2629
Passcode: 857136
Thursday 11th
Morning 817 7931 8406 / Passcode: 771818
Evening 816 0972 4822 / Passcode: 915682
Friday 12th
Morning 870 0410 7663 / Passcode: 475964
Evening 839 6726 2899
Passcode: 604343
Saturday 13th
Morning 898 7969 5953 / Passcode: 285266
Evening 816 4024 8693
Passcode: 623494
Sunday 14th
Morning 862 8639 7521 / Passcode: 073234
Evening 847 4343 6619 / Passcode: 624465