Writing sessions: Week 5
My dearest faces,
That's right, we're still here for February: month of love, slushy grey weather, and very importantly my nephew's birthday DON'T LET ME FORGET. Here are your zoom links.
No marathons to announce this week; but as my workshops are nigh I am plugging them again (and as always: regular faces with something to share, drop me a line!)
May this be the month your novels are finished, your poems are perfected, and your scary academic papers are accepted by scary academic people.
Yours, of course,
Sylvia x
I'm running three standalone workshops on writing junior fiction - Saturdays in February, 3.30-5.30 GMT, $20/about £14.50. I would LOVE to see your faces/your friends/your nan.
Bringing Characters to Life, 6th Feb
We will learn how the concept of a ‘character game’, used in improvised theatre, can help you produce unforgettable characters. Although the emphasis will be on examples from junior fiction, all writers who struggle with characters that ‘sound the same’ are welcome!
Sold out but hit that wait list button if you're interested
The Power of Playing Games, 13th Feb
The concept of ‘game’, in comedy, is anything that happens more than once; and if played well, games are laugh-out-loud funny. Learn to master this tool for humour, and use it to trouble shoot common problems such as time jumps, crowd scenes, exposition and more.
Settings that Stick, 20th Feb
An enthralling setting is key to children’s fiction, and can even become fodder for daydreams and games once the book is closed. What gives some imaginary worlds this power? With a focus on middle childhood (6-12 years), this workshop will give you tools to create mesmerizing worlds for young readers.
All morning meetings are 9.30 - 11.30 GMT
All evening meetings are 6.00 - 8.00 GMT
Monday 1st
Morning 867 6930 0777 /
Passcode: 330285
Evening 890 8083 2388 / Passcode: 282547
Tuesday 2nd
Morning 878 9238 8362 /
Passcode: 106637
Evening 897 7267 3315 / Passcode: 288629
Wednesday 3rd
Morning 861 2349 2724 /
Passcode: 183562
Evening 844 1650 2146 / Passcode: 781537
Thursday 4th
Morning 899 2175 5730 / Passcode: 637430
Evening 860 2525 6761 / Passcode: 571997
Friday 5th
Morning: 852 2618 4211 / Passcode: 846209
Evening 864 2880 8317 / Passcode: 747950
Saturday 6th
Morning 889 9245 0572 / Passcode: 771531
Evening 889 8686 2873 / Passcode: 447620
Sunday 7th
Morning 820 3525 7497 / Passcode: 937025
Evening 821 5495 7317 / Passcode: 949305