Writing sessions: Week 4
Hellohi faces,
Zoom links ahoy, and some notices:
1) DELIGHTED to announce that we're rolling on in to February, since (a) the world is still in official hibernation and (b) this is lovely
2) Marathon on Wednesday! The zoom will be open 9.30 - 8.00. Join for some of it to get some writing done or all of it to experience another plane of being
3) I'm running some workshops. Full plug below. (If any other regular faces want to put a plug in the newsletter, just drop me a line!)
That's it folks. Keep writing, keep facing, keep keeping on.
Yours eternally
Sylvia x
I'm running three standalone workshops on writing junior fiction - Saturdays in February, 3.30-5.30 GMT, $20/about £14.50. I would LOVE to see your faces/your friends/your nan.
Bringing Characters to Life, 6th Feb
We will learn how the concept of a ‘character game’, used in improvised theatre, can help you produce unforgettable characters. Although the emphasis will be on examples from junior fiction, all writers who struggle with characters that ‘sound the same’ are welcome!
The Power of Playing Games, 13th Feb
The concept of ‘game’, in comedy, is anything that happens more than once; and if played well, games are laugh-out-loud funny. Learn to master this tool for humour, and use it to trouble shoot common problems such as time jumps, crowd scenes, exposition and more.
Settings that Stick, 20th Feb
An enthralling setting is key to children’s fiction, and can even become fodder for daydreams and games once the book is closed. What gives some imaginary worlds this power? With a focus on middle childhood (6-12 years), this workshop will give you tools to create mesmerizing worlds for young readers.
All morning meetings are 9.30 - 11.30 GMT
All evening meetings are 6.00 - 8.00 GMT
Monday 25th
Morning - 883 1041 8177 / Passcode: 519221
Evening - 879 9604 8202 / Passcode: 405879
Tuesday 26th
Morning - 840 7629 0588 / Passcode: 662456
Evening - 811 0638 6575 / Passcode: 236308
Wednesday 27th
Marathon room: 9.30 - 8.00 - 825 8669 5676 / Passcode: 703284
Thursday 28th
Morning - 815 6257 1560 / Passcode: 771998
Evening - 872 0355 4386 / Passcode: 429723
Friday 29th
Morning - 817 4937 6770 / Passcode: 596061
Evening - 886 1515 0165 / Passcode: 887259
Saturday 30th
Morning - 868 6186 0309 / Passcode: 887047
Evening - 812 0041 4148 / Passcode: 564471
Sunday 31st
Morning - 860 4422 4108 / Passcode: 189260
Evening - 829 9216 8217 / Passcode: 435315