Writing sessions: Week 14, and questions
Faces, and humans to whom they are attached:
Change is upon us! This week, morning sessions are still every morning. Evening sessions are Monday, Thursday and the weekend. Thanks to the lovely Kate Knight for taking on Mondays!
Face news from Owen and a QUERY below about future arrangements…
Yours, and your faces’,
Sylvia x
If you’d like to see regular evenings continuing in some form, please do email me with votes for The Future. In order from most to least Wild and Anarchic, some options are:
(1) Having some kind of shared messaging deal (a whatsapp group?? An email thread?) which people can opt in to, which can be used to say I’M WRITING NOW COME JOIN ME
(2) A zoom room open at the same time every evening that doesn’t need a host. (Will it lose its cohesiveness if there’s no guarantee of at least one face there, and someone to call time etc? Or is it the obvious, hassle-free option?)
(3) A weekly google doc where people can sign up to host an evening that week, and put a zoom link; and people can just check to see what’s happening
(4) Restricting the schedule to evenings that can be regularly hosted (as we’re doing this week) - which has the advantage of being low-effort to remember/take part in
(5) Other?
I’d love to hear from you. I just want this to become whatever-people-want-it-to-be, ideally. Thanks!
New novel from Owen Nicholls now available to pre-order
Owen’s second novel, PERFECT TIMING, is now available to pre-order. See it in all its glory here. (Those of you who prefer to spend your dollar at bookshop.org can go here; but woe, you can’t see the cover there yet.)
It’s the story of Tom (a musician) and Jess (a comedian) who meet at the Edinburgh Festival. They hit it off, but when a white lie gets in their way, tensions flare and the two go their separate ways. They keep coming back into each other’s lives as their careers take off, but never at the right moment. Will they ever get the timing right? (SPOILER ALERT…yeah?).
All morning meetings are 9.30 - 11.30 BST (GMT+1)
All evening meetings are 6.00 - 8.00 BST (GMT+1)
Monday 6th
Morning 867 8481 8169 / Passcode: 041969
Evening 811 4053 1543 / Passcode: 074635
Tuesday 7th
Morning 816 8181 0153 / Passcode: 190160
Wednesday 8th
Morning 895 2662 2908 / Passcode: 572432
Thursday 9th
Morning 867 2957 0109 / Passcode: 275883
Evening 892 8496 6223 / Passcode: 025465
Friday 10th
Morning 899 0562 0342 / Passcode: 605948
Saturday 11th
Morning 814 8044 9643 / Passcode: 976248
Evening 875 5867 1281 / Passcode: 228171
Sunday 12th
Morning 896 1195 5860 / Passcode: 158944
Evening / 886 1674 9456
Passcode: 415210