Waikawa Newsletter March 2024
Kia ora koutou kātoa,
This is the week of the Autumn Equinox when the length of day are night are equal and the days grow shorter while the night grows longer. Many of the migratory birds have left the estuary for their winter feeding grounds, and back from the beach our 'summer' birds are off too.

Native and nationally vulnerable Caspian Tern on a fishing expedition in the river.
A huge fire north of Waikawa Beach Road near Emma Drive claimed the headlines on 15 March 2024, with helicopters using water buckets and crews from all over the place dousing the flames.

Finally, after much prompting, fresh road markings were painted at the intersection with SH1. There is now a sort of a lane for those trying to turn to head south.
At the beginning of the month the AED at the toilet block was used. After each use though batteries must be changed so the device was unavailable for a while. The AED is a service of the Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Association for the benefit of the community. Its location at the toilet block in Hank Edwards Reserve is fairly central and easy to find for those in the village or who cross the footbridge to access the beach.
However a number of submissions to the HDC's consultation about beach access for vehicles (more on the consultation later), raised concerns about health events that take place on the beach. It would make sense for AEDs to also be located near the other two pedestrian tracks on Reay Mackay Grove, which would also be more easily accessible for folks living in the Reay Mackay Grove and Strathnaver area. If the Manga Pirau Street entrance remains available for pedestrian use then there could also usefully be one located there.

Miomantis caffra: see Springbok Invasion | Forest and Bird
In spite of the general slowness of house sales everywhere in recent months the median house price at Waikawa Beach has increased slightly to $690,300.
There are 2 new listings: 55 Reay Mackay Grove, house and land package and 125 Strathnaver Drive, though previously listed properties seem to still be available: 8 Norna Grove, 24 Strathnaver Drive, 30 Strathnaver Drive, 47 Reay Mackay Grove, 577 Waikawa Beach Road.
In brief items: there was a short power outage on 05 March 2024, some residents have had their rubbish collection day changed, and a post mentioned some of the services Horowhenua District Council actually provide to us. Some people seem to think HDC does nothing for Waikawa Beach …
The HDC Long-term Plan consultation closes 15 April 2024. Councillors are actively looking for ways to cut Council spending so they can limit our rates increase to around 17%. One item they're considering cutting that will particularly affect Waikawa Beach is the kerbside collection of recycling. Take a look at the consultation documents and give HDC your feedback.
It was interesting to note amongst the maps for the Beach Access Consultation, that an area around the lower end of Waikawa Stream is actually a DOC Conservation area.

Map shows Waikawa Conservation Area runs along the river beside the village, and includes the groyne area.
Waikawa Beach access options for vehicles
The HDC consultation period ended on 20 February 2024, with 446 submissions. Submissions show that there is both strong support and strong opposition for vehicle access at Waikawa Beach. Councillors meet on 20 March 2024 to decide how to proceed.
The Consultation Report offered 3 choices for Councillors to consider: no vehicle access at all, or two ways to pause proceedings. It seems the landowners of the previous vehicle access track are disinclined to allow permanent access in future, so the options of rebuilding the previous access are no longer available.
3. Recommendation
3.1 That Report 24/114 Waikawa Beach Vehicle Access-way be received.
3.2 That this matter or decision is recognised as significant in terms of S76 of the Local Government Act.
3.3 That Council does not facilitate vehicle access to Waikawa Beach. However, continues to support pedestrian access through established pathways on publicly owned land. OR
3.4 That Council pauses the current process and re-assesses options to provide beach access on Waikawa beach at an alternate site. OR
3.5 That Council pauses the current process and lays it on the table to resume at a future date
This was amended at the last moment in an Addendum. At the HDC meeting on 20 March 2024 a slightly amended item 2.6 was carried. See note below. The effect of this is that no decision has yet been made, Council officers will carry out more work and new recommendations will be brought to Councillors for a decision.
I'll write a blog post once the Minutes are available. If you wish, watch the recorded meeting.
Note — Item 2.6: That after hearing submissions on Options 1, 2, 3, and given the general level of support for the provision of a vehicle accessway, that Council pauses the current process and requests the Chief Executive to report back to Council on alternative options to provide vehicle accessway at Waikawa Beach. [Note this was slightly amended to make sure voices of those opposing access are heard and includes Option 3 of no access. Also to add 'potential' before 'access'. See the Minutes for the final version.]
- Caspian Tern fishing in the river
- Big vegetation fire off Waikawa Beach Road, Friday 15 March 2024
- Intersection road markings finally in place
- AED temporarily out of action, 01 March 2024
- Waikawa Beach median house value $690,300 in February 2024
- For sale: 125 Strathnaver Drive
- For sale: 55 Reay Mackay Grove, house and land package
- Brief power outage Tuesday 05 March 2024
- Rubbish collection change
- What does Council do for us?
- Waikawa Conservation Area at the seaward end of Waikawa Stream
- HDC Long-term Plan consultation closes 15 April 2024
- HDC report on beach access options for vehicles for 20 March 2024 meeting
This monthly newsletter is based on posts I've written during the month, with added sprinkles. If you'd like to automatically receive posts by email as they are published subscribe at https://waikawanews.nz/subscribe/
If you know of Waikawa Beach things that would interest others or if you have comments on this newsletter or the website please let me know at kiaora@waikawanews.nz.
If you want to suggest others subscribe to the newsletter (please do!) then send them to: https://waikawanews.nz/about.
Thanks everyone for the support. I've had a lot of great feedback on my newsletters. I really appreciate that.

Flock of Pied Stilts rest near the river mouth at Waikawa Beach.
Me te aroha,
Miraz Jordan
WaikawaNews: https://waikawanews.nz
aims to provide accurate and factual information on matters of interest to the local community. And to share photos of and information about local wildlife and landscapes.