Urgent Update #2 on Council's Long-Term Plans
Urgent Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Update #2
here’s more information about the long-term plans for Waikawa Beach from Horowhenua District Council: 1. Council wants to bring more people to Waikawa Beach to live (63 more houses). 2. Discussions Council had with landowners, land developers, real estate agents, revealed those interest groups found lack of water and waste water infrastructure is a barrier to their developing and selling more land and housing. 3. Council wants to provide water and sewage infrastructure to us, at the ratepayers expense. Our rates could rise by around 27% over 5 years to pay for part of this. Significant additional costs have not been included in the calculations. 4. Council aims to rezone land adjacent to the village and between Walkers Lane and Strathnaver Drive to allow room for the 63 more houses.
You can read comments by locals on these plans at: * https://waikawabeach.org.nz/2018/water-supply-and-sewage-services-to-our-village/ * https://waikawabeach.org.nz/2018/loads-more-houses-at-waikawa-beach-with-draft-hdc-growth-strategy/ * https://lovewaikawabeach.nz/what-we-have-and-what-we-need-in-february-2018/ * https://lovewaikawabeach.nz/why-more-houses-here/ * https://lovewaikawabeach.nz/water-water-everywhere/
Please add your thoughts.
The Council offers 3 options for their plans: 1. Status Quo: no additional services. 2. Provide water and waste water to existing settlement and growth areas (includes Waikawa Beach). 3. Provide water and waste water to only growth areas (includes Waikawa Beach).
What are YOUR thoughts?
Please also discuss these matters with your friends and neighbours and encourage them to have their say as well.
We, as your Ratepayers Association, and the Horowhenua District Council need to hear your views.
We’re working on a brief survey to help us understand your views so we, as a Committee, can put in a submission of our own. That survey should appear next week. Stay tuned for the third of four Urgent Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Updates.
We’re also working on ways to help you make a submission, if you feel you need help.
Warm regards,
Miraz on behalf of the Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Association Committee
============================================================ Our mailing address is: PO Box 30309, Lower Hutt 5040. wbra.committee@gmail.com
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