Public Meeting on erosion 08 June 2019
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** Public meeting about Waikawa Beach erosion
Public meeting about Waikawa Beach erosion: Saturday 08 June 2019 at 10 am at the Manakau Hall.
RAMON STRONG, Group Manager River Management, Horizons Regional Council, will give a presentation on the report from Tonkin and Taylor about erosion at the river mouth and options for Horizons Regional Council to deal with that erosion.
Dated March 2019, the Tonkin and Taylor report is called “Coastal Geomorphological Assessment And Management Options”.
Read the report in summary and in full at (http:// .
Options for action include: * Do nothing * River training: cutting, realign the groyne * Protect the banks: construct dunes, additional groynes, use rocks to protect shoreline * Combination of the above.
Any work is liable to add to our rates bills.
Please read the information available and prepare your questions. Discuss the report with friends and neighbours, and tell them about the public meeting which is open to all interested people. I hope we’ll see you there. Public meeting flyer.
Ngā mihi nui, Miraz Jordan Committee Member, Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Association
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