On Track Waikawa Update 28 June 2018
** On Track Waikawa Update 28 June 2018
Good news, folks.
Two diggers and two dump trucks spent the day rearranging the sand on our beach today.
They dammed the river by the groyne and dug a channel a few metres upstream of that to the sea. They also carted loads of sand to create a barrier parallel to the sea a bit south of the channel and loads more to the vehicle entrance where they smoothed things out and created a ramp of sorts onto the sand.
At around 4 pm there was a small line of people waiting for a digger to move out of their way so they could drive onto the beach.
More work has been done on the footbridge. The bridge will be open tomorrow, and work will continue next week. The bridge already feels more stable as you walk across, even though at the moment only the two new handrails have been put in place.
I aim to add photos to the website as soon as I have time, so be sure to visit in the next few days.
Heoi anō, Miraz, on behalf of the Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Association Committee.
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