On Track Waikawa update 27 June 2018
** On Track Waikawa update 27 June 2018
Kia ora folks. We finally have some news to share with the On Track Waikawa group about beach access. There are two things currently underway: refurbishing the footbridge across the river and (tomorrow) a River Cut.
** The footbridge
Contractors started work on Monday. The bridge is being strengthened and will be covered with a plastic mesh (suitable for walking on with bare feet) that should help prevent slips.
By the end of today (Wednesday) the bridge had new handrails on both sides. The upstream side also had a cap on the handrail, with the other side to be done tomorrow.
** The River Cut
Work on the River Cut starts tomorrow at 7.30 am and should be finished by end of day
The contractor aims to start at high tide. They will cut a fairly small channel and follow the water down as the tide is going out. Then they’ll block the stream and water will ream the channel out. Material removed will be put on the downstream side and compacted to stabilise it.
In other cuts elsewhere wind blown material has filled the old channel.
The Cut needs to be monitored. The Resource Consent specifies monitoring over the next 2 months.
There are no guarantees of course about how long the Cut will last as it depends on wind, tide and weather.
As part of getting equipment down to the river to do the Cut the previous vehicle entrance will need to have some work done, so that could see it restored for public use.
** More information
These posts on the Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Association website have information you might find interesting: 1. River cut scheduled for 28 June 2018, meeting notes (https://waikawabeach.org.nz/2018/river-cut-scheduled-for-28-june-2018-meeting-notes/) 2. Footbridge work has begun (https://waikawabeach.org.nz/2018/footbridge-work-has-begun/) 3. River update 23 June 2018 (https://waikawabeach.org.nz/2018/river-update-23-june-2018/) 4. On Track Waikawa : Beach access works, June 2018 (https://waikawabeach.org.nz/2018/on-track-waikawa-beach-access-works-june-2018/) 5. Coastal Erosion, Footbridge, June 2018, comments by Michael Feyen (https://waikawabeach.org.nz/2018/coastal-erosion-footbridge-june-2018-comments-by-michael-feyen/)
Expect another update soon.
Heoi anō, Miraz, on behalf of the Committee.
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