On Track Waikawa Update 21 May 2018
** On Track Waikawa Update 21 May 2018
Kia ora folks,
We held a Public Meeting on Saturday, 19 May 2018, attended by around 100 people.
There’s a written report and an audio file available:
Report on the Public Meeting on beach access 19 May 2018 (https://waikawabeach.org.nz/2018/report-on-the-public-meeting-on-beach-access-19-may-2018/ )
If you attended the meeting and believe there are factual errors in the reporting, please let us know so we can correct the record.
If you’d like to discuss points speakers made at the meeting please leave your comments on the website. Note: speakers may or may not have been expressing facts in what they said.
The immediate outcome is for the Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Association to ask the Council to cut the river and see if they can restore the previous vehicle entrance. This is a short-term solution.
There was also a push for a longer-term solution to be developed. Various people also expressed points about preserving the environment and developing a vision for the future of our beach.
Heoi anō,
Miraz Jordan on behalf of the Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Association
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