On Track Waikawa Update 18 May 2018
** Reading: Public access to Waikawa Beach
Kia ora folks,
thanks for being interested enough in public access to Waikawa Beach to sign up for this dedicated newsletter.
Tomorrow’s Public Meeting is at 2 pm at Manakau Hall. Please attend and represent your point of view.
We’ve organised a facilitator who will make sure everyone gets a chance to speak constructively and on topic without claiming more than their fair share of time.
We will be recording the meeting audio and aim to also make written notes.
The point of the meeting is to ensure that all points of view are represented and that everyone has a chance to share their own views and understand the views of others.
Our goal is to come to a broad agreement that will allow pedestrians, horse riders, vehicles and others safe and sustainable access to the beach while protecting the environment.
We’ve provided some useful reading on our website:
Public access to Waikawa Beach (https://waikawabeach.org.nz/2018/public-access-to-waikawa-beach/)
If you have questions or comments please leave them on that blog post or email the Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Association Secretary at wbra.committee@gmail.com .
We’ll see you tomorrow.
Heoi anō,
Miraz Jordan on behalf of the Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Association
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