Our Next Zooniverse Transcription Session is Monday, April 18th!
Happy Friday Everyone!
Our next transcription session is scheduled for Monday, April 18th at 12:30 pm! We would love to see you there!
As stated previously, Zooniverse is a critical component of this work. Through Zooniverse, volunteers are able to help us search for racially restrictive language in property records by reading through documents that we suspect contain covenants, transcribing any racially restrictive covenants you find, and then answering a couple of questions about the document. Each document only takes a few minutes. Additionally, all work done on Zooniverse is remote, which means that volunteers can help the project find and transcribe these racial restrictive covenants at any time, and from any place!
Transcription sessions are a fantastic way for volunteers to get involved in the project! Each session will be roughly 45 minutes and will feature a short real-time tutorial on how to transcribe documents with racial restrictions, as well as the opportunity for volunteers to ask questions while they begin to transcribe on Zooniverse themselves. We need your help mapping the history of segregation in Washington State!
We hope to see you Monday over Zoom for our transcription session! There is a link to register for Monday’s Zoom transcription session below, as well as links to more information about the project.
Link to register → https://washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYtduCuqj0rE9yusQnVuT3jDKYC6t97oFE7
Please share this information with your friends, family, and anyone else who is interested in doing remote volunteer work. We need all the help we can get! Don't hesitate to contact us at wacovenants@gmail.com if you have any questions, comments, or concerns in the meantime. Thank you for volunteering your time. We greatly appreciate all the help.
All the best,
Jazzlynn (Research Associate, Racial Restrictive Covenants Project)
Learn More About the Project
Racial Restrictive Covenants Project Website
Learn About Volunteering Here!
Racial Restrictive Covenant Zooniverse Page