Desked for success ✨
Hey peach, how's things?
The topic for this month's newsletter comes directly from my own witchy practice. Ya see, there are a few publications I'm yearning to get into this year and I decided to use the power of May's Flower moon to work a 'lil career magick.
I cut neat snippets from both magazines, whipped up a sigil, and drew it onto my clippings with a manifestation oil. Then I pinned my clippings onto my work cork board.
And as I stared at those clippings, I thought about your desk. And everyone else's desks.
As a regular reader of Haydn Grey's The Writing Desk, I can confidently say: we writers love a good desk display. Post-it note thought clouds, cork board collages, framed artwork designs...mate, we love it. In fact, Eddie Shleyner recently shared similar sentiments in his newsletter here and here.
If you think about it, our desks are like an altar we sit at while we work our word magick. We consciously create an environment that'll stimulate creativity, boost confidence, provide mental clarity.
So this month, I invite you to think about your desk as much as I think about your desk. Maybe indulge in a little Feng Shui and optimise the space for creative energy. Stand back and really scrutinise that thing — is there anything you can do (besides a little tidy up) that'll make you feel more excited to sit down and create?
If you want to snoop my desk for inspo, you can do it here and here.
Feel free to slide into my inbox with your desk pics when you're finished 🥰
🌝 Strong Sun Moon – 4th June
Sensuality · Relationships · Sun energy
🔮 Freelance focus: disappointment with the Five of Cups
You had Cups last month, ya got Cups again this month! Unfortunately, the challenge isn't quite so rosy this time around.
The Five of Cups crops up when you're clinging to disappointment or bitterness over a situation gone wrong.
Your challenge in June is to learn to let go of the things that don't work out for you. The lesson may serve you, but the negativity certainly won't!
This is a kind little nudge for you to reframe that setback more positively and see what your new mindset brings. You've got this, babe. 🤘
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