Hey, what's your sign?
Designing your sigil for 2023
Hey peach, how’s it going?
Do you like to start the year with a specific goal or intention in mind? I'm not talking about revenue targets or clients to win — I'm talking about the personal stuff.
It might be something you've unearthed during a counselling session, meditation, deep thought or — like me — an annual tarot spread. If this sounds familiar, perhaps you'd like to join me in making a sigil to help things along?
A sigil is a customised magick symbol designed to represent a positive affirmation or intention you want to set.
You can doodle that little guy in your journal, draw it with a spoon in your tea and drink it, visualise it in meditations. Whatever's clever, Trevor.
You can read more about them here.
You game? Lemme show you how it's done...
You'll need paper and a pen for this task. If you want, you can light a candle and burn some incense to set the mood.
Focus on your intention and write it out as a short, positive statement. I like to take my time in getting this bit right — your word choice needs to be specific and from a place of love. No negative chat here, plz.
Once you've got a statement you're happy with, start breaking it down into words and elements you can use in a design. For example, this is my sigil for 2023 (I'm sure you'll excuse my ink smudges)...
I designed it to help me trust my intuition. Hidden within it, you'll find an 'i' (for intuition) and a 't' (for trust). It's also got a wavy line to symbolise water, a heart for love, and an eye for clarity, all set inside a triangle.
The whole thing took a couple of minutes to pull together — I just used elements that felt right for the purpose. This was easy because I kept the intention in my mind while doodling.
Don't worry if it takes a while to get it right; just keep doodling until you have something you're happy with.
And, boff! You're done!
Write your symbol on a slip of paper and tuck it into your bra, sock, or (probably more sensibly) your pocket. Draw it in your planner. Doodle it in your work notebook. Use liberally throughout the year to help you on the road to success.
Best of luck, buddy!
Quickening Moon – 5th February
New life · Beginnings · Plans
Freelance focus: routines with the Knight of Pentacles (inverted)
The reversed Knight of Pentacles represents the challenge of knowing when to set or release your routines.
Are you guilty of making schedules that you never follow? Do you find yourself drawn to newer, sexier ideas before you've had a chance to complete what you were already working on? Might be time to have a word with yourself and get into the habit of following a routine. For you, February is a time for self discipline.
Are you a natural planner? The opposite might be true for you! Your over-planning could lead to creative stagnation and frustration. Your February challenge is to release yourself from the confines of set routines and create freely.
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