A Midsummer night's dream (diary) 📖💤
"Steal me awhile from mine own company"
Hey, peach.
Things are starting to heat up, wouldn't ya say? Maybe it's the writer in me, but the approach of Midsummer always reminds me of Shakespeare...for obvious reasons.
Midsummer has been closely aligned with the fae and fairies throughout UK history, especially as it's so close to the summer equinox (fae folk have a thing for liminal spaces). Weird and mysterious things are apt to occur on the night of the solstice, making it a great time to get into dream magick.
And if that weren't reason enough, your friendly neighbourhood Freudian scholar can tell you how truly powerful dreams are. They're how our brains explore deep subconscious issues, away from the repression of the conscious mind.
That's why it's so important to take note of dreams — they're the stories we use to heal ourselves. If you make a habit of noting them down every morning, you can really start to understand yourself on a deeper level.
On that logic, I thought I'd share my favourite daily writing exercise with you.
Every morning, before I start work, I take out my dream diary and record the night's activity.
I use the exercise as my 'daily pages' — the writing we do to get into the flow and clear out all the mental gubbins before real work begins.
I take note of the day, the date, the moon phase, and then I start making bullet points. I'm careful to include how I felt, whether or not the dream woke me up, how vivid it was, etc.
When I've finished recording the dream, I go through my dream dictionary (you could also just Google it) and try to dig into the meanings behind the strongest themes or symbols.
This helps me start to unpack what's going on behind the scenes. For example...
Since January, I've had five dreams about moving into a haunted mansion. I've dreamt about going back to school eight times since November. I also have dreams about water at least once a month.
Because I've recorded these dreams, I have a good idea about what's bothering me. Sometimes I think I've solved an issue, only to have it pop back up. Sometimes, things I didn't think too much about in waking life come back in recurring dreams, indicating there's something about the experience that triggered me.
So, whaddaya think? Will you start recording your dreams? Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you think.
🌝 Strong Sun Moon – 14th June
The strong sun moon (also known as the strawberry moon) is a great time to think about how you can enhance what you already have. Got a great talent in a particular area of writing? Bitch, own it! Train into it to enhance the skill and make it work harder for you.
The June full moon is also about relationships — Wiccan practitioners see the Litha sabbat as a great time to get married, which makes the June moon ripe for bonding and relationship magicks.
Use the lunar energy to strengthen bonds with good clients, to put a little something back into your freelance community, or to work on your relationship with the craft of writing itself.
🔮 Freelance Focus: restriction with The Devil
The Devil's knocking at your door in June. Don't panic, though! His reputation is usually worse than his reality.
The Devil tarot card is a symbol of your darker self and the negative, self-destructive habits you might be holding onto.
Visit the blog to find out how to use this card to focus your freelance energy in June!
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📖 The Witchy Freelancer eBook – learn more
Thanks for reading to the end...
Find all previous issues of The Copy Coven here or catch me creepin' on Twitter.
Merry meet and merry part,
Cowners x