BWC Week 9
I'm not around to host Thursday this week guys - is anybody up for it? Hosting just means being there the whole time with a flyer, to be a friendly face for any newcomers...
Otherwise all as normal. See you there!
Sylvia x
This week's schedule:
Work sessions:
Tues 30th/Weds 31st. Thurs 1st is currently unhosted but feel free!
Work 2.30 - 5.30, chat after
@ The Canteen, 80 Stokes Croft
Competitions - Tom recommended a writing challenge/competition during chat last week, here's the link:
Infringed poetry - A night of poetry and spoken word on 13th Sept, run by Ash. Take a gander:
... and another publication for Ash!
Woohoo! U is published in The Writers Club. Make some tea, have a read, savour.
And as always:
Send me your number if you'd like to join an (unmoderated, non-essential-info) whatsapp thread
Send me your website if you have one, I'll list em all somewhere once we've got a few.