BWC Week 81
To whom it may concern,
Full timetable! See you there.
Kind regards,
Sylvia x
This week's writing schedule:
Mornings: Work 10.00 - 1.00, chat after
Monday @ Bristol Old Vic
Thurs @ The Watershed, 1 Canons Rd
Afternoons: Work 2.30 - 5.30, chat after
Tues and Weds @ The Canteen, 80 Stokes Croft
Evenings: Work 7.00 - 10.00, chat after
No Monday
Mon, Tues and Weds @ The All Inn, 1 Staple Hill Rd
I received this ad about a writing retreat in BWC inbox, take a look...
Writing retreat
Between March 23rd and April 19th the space at Trealy Farm is dedicated to writing - you can be a complete beginner or already have a project. The idea is to quietly write (lots of spaces to do that including Pavilion with breathtaking views) meet for meals, set intentions, and evening readings.
Each day will start with a meditation, some meditations with horses. Also you can swim in the natural pool and sauna. We have Mary-Jane Holmes as writer in residence offering optional mentoring. MJ is amazing - chief editor at Fish publishing, tutor of Fish memoir course, poet, novelist etc She's also vey good at supporting academic writing. Read more
Cost is accommodation and food only then optional mentoring @ £45 ph which includes reading up to 5000 words in advance. Non residents can come for £20 per day. For more info email and for info on space see Trealy is 20 minutes from Abergavenny.
Looking for readers for your work?
Add yourself to this spreadsheet; and if you see anyone there you think would be a good match for you, get in touch with them. Nice.