BWC Week 8
A full standard week this week - see you there!
Sylvia x
This week's schedule:
Work sessions:
Tues 23rd/Weds 24th/Thurs 25th
Work 2.30 - 5.30, chat after
@ The Canteen, 80 Stokes Croft
Do you want to be in a BWC whatsapp group?
If you messaged last week and haven't seen anything let me know - some numbers were 'invited' but not added...
If so, send over your phone number and I'll add you. This will be unmoderated, and mostly for individuals-finding-each-other-and-chatting-more-about-their-work purposes; all actually-necessary notices will still come out via email.
Do you have a website/place online where you share work? Still working out what to do with these, but I'll list them somewhere! Let me know! (Tom) (me) - Ashley's recently published poem