BWC Week 76
Hi folks,
Mornings and afternoons are back! Evenings will start up next week. See you THERE.
Sylvia x
This week's writing schedule:
Mornings: Work 10.00 - 1.00, chat after
Mon @ Bristol Old Vic, King St
Thurs @ The Watershed, 1 Canons Rd
Afternoons: Work 2.30 - 5.30, chat after
Tues and Weds @ The Canteen, 80 Stokes Croft
Evenings: Not yet!
Our own Adam Elms won the Waltham Forest Poetry Award! See more info and his winning poem here. Hurray.
Looking for readers for your work?
Add yourself to this spreadsheet; and if you see anyone there you think would be a good match for you, get in touch with them. Nice.
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