BWC Week 46
Heyloo writers,
It's a full timetable. I'm taking the week off, so big thanks to your guest afternoon hosts! And as always to your evening and morning hosts. And to all of you. And to my parents etc etc etc.
Bye bye bye, see you when I'm done being Entirely Lazy,
Sylvia x
This week's writing schedule:
Mornings: Thurs 1st
Work 10.00 - 1.00, chat after
@The Watershed, 1 Canons Road
Afternoons: Tues 30th/Weds 31st/Thurs 1st
Work 2.30 - 5.30, chat after
@ The Canteen, 80 Stokes Croft
Evenings: Tues 30th
Work 7.00 - 10.00, chat after
@ Crafty Egg Fishponds, 270 Fishponds Road, BS163TT
Looking for readers for your work?
Add yourself to this spreadsheet; and if you see anyone there you think would be a good match for you, get in touch with them. Nice.