BWC week 3
Folks, I've decided not to host on heatwave-extravaganza-Tuesday - partly because my trains to get there might not run, and partly because you should all be just lying under an ice cube or something. So - stay home, stay well, don't bother writing!
See you Weds/Thurs!
Sylvia x
This week's schedule:
Work sessions:
NO TUESDAY/Weds 20th/Thurs 21st
Work 2.30 - 5.30, chat after
@ The Canteen, 80 Stokes Croft
Come late if you like/leave early if you like/check out FAQs if you like. Bring a well charged laptop, limited sockets!
Reading sessions: Postponed to autumn - see my last email!
Anything else?: If you want to organise something, I want to help! Drop me a line.
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