BWC Week 19
Hello lovely writers,
Sharpen your pencils, see you there! Also see below for first crit group date, RSVP if you'd like to come.
Sylvia x
This week's writing schedule:
Daytimes: Tues 8st/Weds 9th/Thurs 10th (unhosted)* - Work 2.30 - 5.30, chat after
@ The Canteen, 80 Stokes Croft
*NB Thurs is unhosted,which just means noone's guaranteed to be there with a little flyer to welcome you - so maybe not the best for your first time. But regular-folk, feel free to turn up and see if you recognise anyone!
Evenings: Mon 7th/Tues 8th/Weds 9th- Work 6.30 - 9.00, chat after
@ Greenbank Pub, BS56DP
Critique group: First proposed date is evening of Thurs 17th Nov, venue TBC. RSVP if you want in, so I know whether to go ahead!
Looking for readers for your work?
Add yourself to this spreadsheet; and if you see anyone there you think would be a good match for you, get in touch with them. Nice.