BWC Week 13
It's a full timetable this week. Also NB a Tues evening chat about critique/discussion groups!
I'm away next week (3rd - 9th Oct). If anyone knows they'll be there for an afternoon session and is happy to host, drop me a line. (Hosting just means being there from 2.30 - 5.30 and welcoming newcomers. People can still go if it's unhosted, obviously, I'll just take it off meetup and flag it in the newsletter).
See you soon,
Sylvia x
This week's schedule:
Work sessions:
Tues 27th/Weds 28th/Thurs 29th
Work 2.30 - 5.30, chat after
@ The Canteen, 80 Stokes Croft
Mon 26th/Tues 27th/Weds 28th
6.30 - 9.00
@ Greenbank Pub, BS56DP
Want to help shape/run sessions for sharing and discussing work?
Join us this Tues at 9 at Greenbank, ie after the evening writing session. This is just for getting the organisational ball rolling - no need to be there if you just want to attend the sessions once they're up and running. But all ideas and input welcome!
None this week, except, as always: send me your number if you'd like to join an (unmoderated, non-essential-info) whatsapp thread