The Bi Pod Bulletin
So, what have you been thinking about?
I’ve been thinking about my attention. More specifically, what it would be like to treat my attention as a precious resource and guard it ruthlessly. I’m realizing that I give so much of my attention away to things I don’t even care about and then complain that I don’t have the time/energy/focus to do the things that actually matter to me. Since I started thinking about this, one of the things I realized is how much of my attention I give away to worrying as a way to put off actually taking action. This weekend there was something I needed to be working on but I really just wanted to keep reading. I caught myself sitting around worrying about which thing I should do — worrying whether it would be okay to read more instead of being productive — when I’m reality my angst was wasting away my time to do either. I decided to give that attention to reading. I felt better. Nothing bad happened. So now I have to ask myself, how much of my time and energy have I been wasting away by worrying about the “right” thing to spend my time and energy on? Wild.
The Podcast
In last week’s episode of The Bi Pod, we discussed a meme that brought up a lot of thoughts and questions about care dynamics and community responsibility for taking care of people. You can listen to “Who’s responsible for taking care of us?” wherever you listen to podcasts.
More queer stuff to check out!
On RPF and Why People Love to Write Stories About Public Figures - Great article on the transformative possibilities of Real Person Fiction. "When it comes to queer fans — especially transmasc ones — RPF can also provide a way to see and write themselves into their ideal narrative while unpacking parts of their identities and experiences in a safe space."
It’s OK to be horny for the villain - Not to @ Chelsee and their canonical adoration for green lady villains but like... sometimes villains are sexy? And maybe the people who are trying to police that are being puritanical and controlling!
I Dated My Entire Quarantine Pod - This article left both of us with several follow up questions and the desire to know about how everyone else in the story experienced this relationship. Perhaps a relationship smorgasbord would have been helpful here!
Before You Go...
Last week, Christina released the unabridged version of her essay about her obsession with the album SUPERBLOOM on her Substack, and this week Chelsee shared an essay about The Guinevere Deception on Casually Obsessed.
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See you back here in two weeks.
Chelsee & Christina