You are reading the TEETH newsletter, written and compiled by occult vibration Jim Rossignol and unearthly credence Marsh Davies. This is a newsletter about table-top role-playing games: we publish some, which you can check those out over here and also here — but we also use this newsletter to talk about TTRPG stuff we’ve enjoyed and occasionally chat with their creators.
Plenty more of that coming in 2024!
Hello, you
Nope. There is no 3. this time, sorry.
Hello, you
Just a quick one, today!
First up, TEETH BACKERS, PLEASE CHECK YOUR KICKSTARTER MESSAGES. If you have not already seen, then you have TEETH: MORE TEETH in your inbox. This is a 100-page PDF which compiles the stretch goals from the Kickstarter: Mandeville’s Horrid Inventory, Hyper-Dimensional Goal-Break, Milk Of The Hogwoman, and a little twist on the idea of pre-rolled characters that Marsh has frankly gone the extra mile with. It’s quite the thing.
Anyone who didn’t back but wants to pick up the supplement can get it here.

BUT ALSO: if you have not claimed your main campaign physical book, please do so! The details for this are also in your Kickstarter messages. We will not be selling overprint remainder copies until this process is more or less complete, and there are still quite a few unclaimed!
Of course many of you have been getting in touch as the books arrive and it’s been a delight to receive your responses. Thank you all so much for supporting this project. It perhaps sounds trite, but producing our own RPG book was one of those things which Marsh and I had always hoped to do, and to have it shipped and in people’s hands really does fulfil profound personal ambitions. This really is a big one for us.
And then there’s the road ahead. 2024 will see us, for the first time since the TEETH project began in 2020, looking to tackle some new material. What shape that will take isn’t yet totally clear, but we’ve been chatting with new collaborators and making some plans. We’ll be discussing them here once there’s something more tangible to talk about.
In the meantime, the Teeth Newsletter is not going anywhere, and we have a bunch of stuff lined up for the new year. I hope you will join us on this next part of the journey, because we’re very much looking forward to it.
We’ll be posting one more newsletter before the end of this year, discussing some Things Of The Year. We hope you head clickwards for that!
Love you,
-Marsh & Jim
Very taken with the pitch for A Crown Of Salt & Shadow: “a bespoke set of skirmish rules, these are completely setting and miniature agnostic. It has a flavour of Necromunda, Mordheim, Saga and Warcry, with a focus on beating little models to a pulp, flinging folk from the sides of boats and that classic Rube Goldberg of misery that 28mm players just love.”
How awesome is this old Keith Parkinson painting? Completely, I would say. It’s the cover of the old Greyhawk adventure, Castle Greyhawk, of which there have been a few, but only one with the best cover, which is this one.

There’s obviously a maddening quagmire of riches to be obtained this weekend via various itch Creator’s Day sales, but I think it’s worth looking at Claymore’s F.I.S.T. stuff and Riley’s stuff, which includes this Trophy-based sci-fi project. Exciting!
Look at this X-Files fanzine.
This podcast based around talking to RPG folk from across the Globe (via Thomas!) is just a really nice thing that I am glad someone has take the time to do TTRPG is very global indeed.
It turns out that I cannot stop researching the 18th century. That I have been listening to this lecture on 18th-century ghost stories is further evidence for that. I love the stuff about ghosts communicated by knocking, and people using this (scarcely credible even then) belief to set up “hauntings” for cash. If only we were so easily amused today.
More soon! x