GOLD TEETH: is coming soon! Get notified on Kickstarter, please.
Welcome, potential sea-dog, to the TEETH newsletter! This is a (mostly) weekly transmission about our adventures in the very secret land of Tabletop Roleplaying-Games. We have published a series of our own TTRPGs! A new book is happening, soon!
What appears within this letter is written and compiled by knuckly jaw, Jim Rossignol, and squidy eye, Marsh Davies. Come and join us over on the TEETH Discord! Free tooth emojis for everyone.
And hey, if you can wish to support us and also get a fantastic 320-page RPG, you can BUY OUR BOOK, if you aren’t already a proud, happy owner, that is. There’s also a whole range of related TEETH RPGs to go along with that.
1. Hello, you.
2. But what is GOLD TEETH?
3. That’s it! Get ye on the GOLD TEETH notification boat!
Hello, you.
There’s a single message contained herein: GOLD TEETH is coming to Kickstarter soon!

Please register your interest on Kickstarter to be notified when it goes live!
-Marsh & Jim
GOLD TEETH is the forthcoming tabletop roleplaying game from creators Marsh Davies and Jim Rossignol. These two swarthy ne’er-do-wells previously penned 18th-century horror-adventure TTRPG TEETH, a roleplaying game that some people claimed was “fantastic”, and others nominated for an ENnies award for Design & Layout. Perhaps you even funded the book in its previous successful Kickstarter? If so, you are a member of an exclusive and extremely sexy club. But let’s not get into that right now.
GOLD TEETH! The year is 1781. Oceans are battlefields. And battlefields are rich pickings for the likes of you. Nowhere is this more true than the Punchbowl of the Antilles—a tropical archipelago brutalised by colonial powers and further cursed by the detonation of an occult weapon one year past. This is the scene of our adventures in piracy, which must involve subterfuge, and might possibly involve desperate redemption from the kinds of doom that only a pirate can face.

Yes, this new book is set in the same era as our original work, featuring our now-recognisable mix of history, humour, and horrible fantasy, but this time sets out upon the most dangerous of terrains: the sea! (Does the sea count as terrain? It certainly does in some RTS games I have reviewed. I suppose it’s more of a biome, really.)
More pertinently still, GOLD TEETH is based on our tried and tested ruleset, but this time adapted to be a sort of courageously sun-burned cousin whose adventures upon the white tipped peaks of the ocean are scarcely credible, or suitable for the sensitive-minded. In GOLD TEETH there are also new, bespoke rules for voyages and encounters at sea that give players granular, cooperative control of mighty sail ships! Marsh has been channelling his love of big wooden ships violently exploding into each other to fashion such systems for your delight and horror. We’ll be playtesting these to bursting before this papery vessel beaches itself ominously on the gritty shores of your inbox. There are also new rules and settings for all the other exploits you might hope to indulge in as a pirate, and others you won’t have expected: there’s sabotage, assassination, and treasure-seeking in a world of colonial terror! There are giant eels lurking in shallow seas, living armour made of seaweed or barnacles, and a cast of absurd and ludicrous characters the likes of which only our horrible humours could have conjured.

Oh, and if you enjoyed the Cursed Pie table in our first book? Just wait and see what we have in store this time.
What’s more is that Marsh has now long been developing a full-colour version of his distinctive art-style, so that GOLD TEETH will be a full colour tome even inkier and more delicious than the last. As you can see, it’s a transformation which will lend GOLD TEETH a rich, new, horrible identity of its own.

There’s just so much going on here that backing GOLD TEETH will feel not unlike unearthing a pirate’s gleaming booty upon the shores of a misbegotten island beneath a sun that has somehow gone very badly wrong.
No, really, it’s going to be just like that. You better believe it, skipper. We’ll be talking more about our ongoing work quite soon.
THING OF THE WEEK: Getting on the notification thing for GOLD TEETH! Get on it! Please do.
More soon! x