T.B.D.C. Wednesday 7PM! We're going LIVE!
OK! I’ve done my research, explored new platforms and for sake of my sanity I’ve settled on two that are familiar! That’s right, TWO ways to stream! See below and pick your platform…
Zoom has become a go to video meeting application during these times of #StayHome. I’ve joined and setup a digital Taco Bell Drawing Club that will go live at 7PM on Wednesday 4/1. You can join from mobile app or desktop app and share your video and audio if you’d like. With video / audio sharing we can chat and see one another. Portraits anyone?
Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/828812879
Meeting ID: 828 812 879
Need help? Click here to download Zoom.
Instagram Live!
If you have Instagram you can follow @tacobelldrawingclub and check in on the account page at 7PM. I will be going live from this new account and can accept requests to join the feed (1 guest at a time). It will also allow me to offer prompts (pictures on screen to inspire viewers).
Need help? Click here to download Instagram.
Please join us Wednesday 7PM on the internet!
Feel free to share the attached image or email if you’d like to invite friends. Thanks everyone - Nick