Two years of Stoneshore: 20% off all games!
In March 2021 I opened my twitter account. So began my game design journey.
At that point I’d been noodling about with design ideas for a while (I’d been working on a generic zombie apocalypse system, which is still somewhere vaguely on the back burner), but I figured I should spend some time learning more about the indie and self-published tabletop RPG ecosystem, and getting to know my peers.
As a bit of a business card I released a one-page RPG about fantasy roleplay in a coastal setting, which was later updated to become the Stoneshore Micro RPG.
After reading and playing more indie games, I quickly became distracted from my initial ideas and put together experiments like Champions of Power and Dread. Later releases like Bar the Windows, Bolt the Doors took off after the kind invitation to join a Halloween bundle, and the support of new friends in the community who helped spread the word.
Last year I had some hits. Who knew that Wandering Swords, my attempt to translate souls-like combat into a tabletop skirmishing system, would grow as much as it has? I also had some misses, like Peregrine & Helios, which regardless I’m still proud of. I think it’s got some of my most beautiful layout work, and some pretty sleek game design.
After a couple of years of making games, I’m pleased with my progress. While it wasn’t my goal to make my game design sustainable full-time, as a part-time venture the support my games have received means I can continue to create in my spare time, and for that I’m thankful.
To celebrate two years, I’ve put all of my paid-for games on sale for 20% off throughout March, either individually or as a bundle. I hope you find something you enjoy!