New release: Anti-Corp Sentiment
My new supplement for CY_BORG is out now on!
Anti-Corp Sentiment is a new expansion for CY_BORG built around taking the fight to the corps themselves and resisting the status quo of CY, with rules for hatching plots, useful intel, consequences for taking too much heat, and four new classes: the underground anarchist, the slum-born champion, the rooftop courier and the face-shifting fugitive. You can pick up the supplement here.
I adore CY_BORG - it's one of my favourite recent releases - and it was an absolute joy to create material for it. Trying something more adventurous with my layout was also particularly interesting, and I feel like I learned a lot from the process. Thanks also to Cat Elm, who did a fantastic job editing this supplement!
As a little spotlight to the kind of content you can expect, this is a preview of the rooftop courier. This class was largely inspired by the runners of Mirror's Edge. The courier isn't necessarily as adept at combat as other classes, but can re-roll performing feats of acrobatics, and also gains two special stunts with some wild and dynamic abilities to evade and confound enemies.
New update to Bar the Windows, Bolt the Doors
I also released update 1.2 for Bar the Windows, Bolt the Doors. This was a small update, fixing a few errors and clarifying elements of the rules, from feedback over the past year. I also improved the Morbid Resolve strength and adjusted a couple of the group-type monsters to have a more lingering threat. You can download the update on the itch page.
Thanks as always for reading! Next in the works: an update for the Bar the Windows winter expansion Blood Yule, with new foes and consolidated rules.
- Nathaniel