District 8 Phone bank for COVID vaccinations
Hi folks, just forwarding an email I received about phonebanking in our legislative district (district 8), if you are interested!
- Kevin
My names is Anthony Kayode, and I’m your District 8 Eva Clayton Organizing Fellow.
I just wanted to inform you that the Organizing Fellows have been conducting a phonebank for the twenty least vaccinated counties across the state, encouraging people to get vaccinated, and helping them make appointments. I’m starting a phonebank to target CD-8’s Democrats, with support scores over 50, and did not vote in 2020.
At the moment our schedule is Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00-4:00PM, with three hour long shifts.
Our intent here is to encourage more people to get vaccinated, while also reaching out to disaffected Democrats, and helping with Votebuilder list maintenance. My goal is to create volunteer teams who will, eventually, be able to run phonebanks on their own.
I’ll be making phone calls to active Democrats in the district over the course of the following days to recruit volunteers. I would truly appreciate it if you could advertise this event on the district’s social media and website. The mobilize link is listed below, as well as graphics for Facebook and Twitter. If you know of any reliable volunteers, or people I should get in contact with, please don’t hesitate to send them my way!
Please let me know if you have any questions. My email address is akayode@ncdp.org, and my phone number is (804) – 258 – 3317.
Best, Anthony Kayode