Correction: Protect Badin Lake meeting is tonight at Atrium Health Stanly
The Protect Badin Lake meeting is tonight, 5:30-6:00 PM Networking time. 6-8 PM Citizen Hearing, Atrium Health Stanly Education and Event Center (Stanly Hospital), 301 Yadkin Street, Albemarle, NC
There is also a Zoom link here. Phone call in is: 1 305 224 1968.
From the organization Protect Badin Lake:
Alcoa’s Clean Water Permit expires this month. They have submitted a renewal application and several local organizations have submitted the many reasons to deny the submitted application.
This is a meeting open to the public on November 16th to address the many concerns and educate the community. You are invited! There will be short presentations including a historical overview of the issues, the ongoing concerns and the environmental injustice affecting the West Badin Community. Yadkin Riverkeeper, Concerned Citizens of West Badin, Protect Badin Lake, Duke Environmental Law Clinic and Southern Environmental Law Clinic will all be present to answer all questions.
5:30 - 6:00 PM Meet and Greet – Light Snacks and Drinks
6:00 - 6:10 PM Welcome and Introductions – Edgar Miller, Yadkin Riverkeeper
6:10 - 6:20 PM Site Overview and Legal Landscape – Ryke Longest, Duke Environmental Law and Policy Clinic
6:20 - 6:50 PM Panel on the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit
NPDES Permit Renewal (15 min) – Jasmine Washington & Irena Como, Southern Environmental Law Center
Water Quality Concerns & Recommendations (10 min) – Jen Caldwell and Colleen McDaniel Protect Badin Lake
Time for Q & A after presentations (5 min)
6:50 - 7:25 PM Panel on Community Involvement & Environmental Justice
History of Research Involvement in Badin (10 min) – Dr. Libby McClure, UNC School of Public Health
Community Engagement & Environmental Justice Concerns (10 min) – Macy Hinson, Concerned Citizens of West Badin
Hazardous Waste Developments (10 min) – Ryke Longest, Lee Garza, & Marianne Salas-Fuentes, Duke Environmental Law and Policy Clinic
Time for Q & A after presentations (5 min)
7:25 - 7:55 PM Public Comments from the Audience
7:55 - 8:00 PM Next Steps – Edgar Miller, Yadkin Riverkeeper
If you have any questions, feel free to email