The Newsletter That Won't Stay Dead

Greetings, droogies and neighbors! Welcome to the rebirth and rejiggering of the Sebastian Malloy Newsletter!
I shall pause for the applause to die down.
Anyway, how is everyone doing in these weird, disconcerting, wildly freakish times in which we live? Still hanging on, I hope. Still fighting the good fight, punching Nazis, terrorizing the patriarchy, and setting fire to old and tired rules and regulations?
Excellent. You are my people. Carry on with being magnificent troublemakers.

So yes! Welcome, welcome, welcome! New newsletter, etc! Pretty pictures! Thoughts and words! Smell-o-Vision (if you haven’t wiped the screen of your phone or your keyboard lately, you slob)!
So here’s the deal, my beloved ice cream bars. It’s been a long and crazy road from 2016, and it’s been really, really tough being creative in that time. I’ve futzed around here and there, doing some of this, a little bit of that, and after a while, I’ve come to realize that I was spreading myself a little wide in my artistic endeavors and stuffing a lot of it down into the corners of the web, and in pockets in several hard drives around the house, and it’s been kind of a mess, you know? So I’m going to pretend that today is New Year’s Day, so to speak, and I’m going to do that thing that people do on January 1st:
Start fresh.
Here’s my plan, if you’ll let me walk you through it a little bit. Firstly: getting this newsletter going, and getting it all covered in Sebastian Malloy Stuff. Writing? Check. Art? Check. General fuckery? Check. Sweary words? Fucking check.
Second: getting the ol’ Patreon back up and running. It’s been laying dormant for a few years now, because I really just couldn’t figure out exactly how I wanted to use it. I’m still working on that one, but I want a central place for people who want to see everything I’m up to, as I get up to it, and that’s as good a place as any at the moment. What I’m planning to do with that is to use it as a central location for my various do-dahs and do-dads. Once they are up there, a lot of it is going to also get sent out to my two blogs (I like the old school term “blog”) at and, because I’ve been neglecting those for too long (feel free to go check them both out, in their dormant states, before they get to being frisky dingoes again, if you’re one of those weirdos who likes to watch things while they are sleeping).
Third: I DON’T KNOW YET. This is on purpose, because I don’t want to nail myself down into something at this point in the game. I want to play a bit, feel things out, and get that happy creative jones going again. Y’all know what I mean. You’re all creatives, and you know how your brain can just go BLAMMO for a while and need a reset.
I figure I’ll pop a newsletter out to you folks every month, unless there’s a crazypants reason you need an update sooner than that. I can fill you in on the joys and weirdness of living in Stephen King country these days (Maine is BEE-U-TI-FUL, ayuh), and the strange things that we find at the swap shop at our local dump, or the creepy-ass insects that sneak their way into our house when we aren’t looking (probably hitching a ride on the dog when she comes back in from running around in the tall grass).
I’ll certainly toss some art in here for you to eyeball:

I also need a name for this goddamn newsletter, so if anybody has any ideas, let me know. Drop me a note or come visit me at Mastodon at (I don’t do the Twitter thing anymore).
That’s all for now, Space Cowboys/Cowgirls. I’ve got a creepy bug to go stomp on!