his word is life -- weekend addendum
"The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life." (John 6:63 ESV)
So, why do I read the Bible daily? Why is it important for my life and growth in the Lord? Why are we Christians to be "people of the Book"?
Here's the short answer: God created the universe by his spoken word, and by his word he sustains it. He created us to know and relate to him through language. God reveals his mind and will to us through words. This revelation is used by the Spirit to enlighten, give life, produce faith, revive, and purify his people. Jesus, God's Son, is called the Word, and he came into the world to give us life. He spoke words of eternal life. His word is living and active. God's people are sustained by his word. God's word -- heard and understood, believed and applied, trusted and acted upon -- brings sanctifying life to us. At the end of earth's history the Lord will speak the new creation into existence by his word. Our salvation, our sanctification, our life, and our future are vitally connected to God's words. His word is life.
That's why we read the Bible!
References: Gen 1:3; Deut 32:47; Psalm 19:7-14; 33:6; 119:25; Prov 4:10, 20-22; Isa 50:4; 55:3-11; John 1:1; 5:24; 6:63, 68; Acts 5:20; 6:68; Rom 10:17; Phil 2:16; Heb 4:12; 11:3; Jas 1:18; 1 Jn 1:1; Rev 21:5.