Afterwords -- week 8
"Let us know; let us press on to know the LORD; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth." (Hosea 6:3 ESV)
"PLEASE SHOW ME YOUR GLORY" (Ex 33:18). Over a century ago, the Dutch theologian Herman Bavinck wrote, "God, and God alone, is man’s highest good." Over the past few months, I have been studying the topic of the glory of God. The word translated "glory" is sometimes translated "honor" or "splendor." The basic notion is that of value, dignity, and worth. Jonathan Edwards referred to the glory of God as being his "excellence" or "beauty." The Scriptures are filled with declarations that God (and God alone) is "worthy"! That is, worthy of being God, receiving praise and honor, being loved wholeheartedly, and being trusted completely. To know God involves knowing his infinite value and worth. Being created in God's image means we can know God and enjoy his glory, and that is our ultimate purpose. Like Moses at Sinai (Ex 33-34) we too should desire to know as much of his glory as possible. Let us "press on to know the Lord" (Hos 6:3). Read more of Bavinck on "Man's Highest Good" here (PDF file).
SONGS OF GLORY. Here's a playlist I've been enjoying while studying and writing on this topic.
"WE'RE IN AN ATTENTION CRISIS." (Wait, what?) This author writes, "The whole machinery, this whole business model has an effect: Every time you pick up Facebook and scroll, they make money. And every time you put it down, their revenue streams disappear. So, all of their algorithmic power, all of their engineering genius, some of the cleverest people in the world are dedicated toward one goal: 'How do I get this person to pick up his phone more often and scroll as long as he possibly can?'”
NEWS OR NARRATIVE? A former employee of CNN and of FOX, this journalist seeks to find a way back to putting news over narrative.
MISC. We enjoyed the movie, "Please Stand By," (PG-13) with Dakota Fanning playing a young autistic woman who submits a script for a Star Trek episode. The movie had a few bad words, but all in all it was an excellent movie. And then there's this: a son photoshops his dad into iconic movies and artworks. (I'm glad my kids didn't have access to Photoshop!)
THIS WEEK I'm taking notes with a German-made Kaweco (pronounced "kah-VEK-oh") Student pen, seen in photo below. Kaweco was founded in Heidelberg, which is also known for its excellent, time-tested catechism!
Have a good week!
Image credit: photo at top by NOAA on Unsplash.