Afterwords -- week 28
"...let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD." (Jeremiah 9:24 ESV)
July 2, 2022
Dear friends,
As I write this newsletter, I am recovering from a bout with COVID. Thank you, to those who were praying for me, and now I ask prayer for my wife, as she just tested positive. We had enjoyed a wonderful visit with family in Washington, D.C., last week and somewhere along the way got exposed to the virus. Mainly, we've gone through fever, chills, headache, congestion, coughing, and joint pain. For me the worst part was the lower back pain. I'm thankful for the Lord's healing, and thankful for the part Paxlovid played in shortening recovery time.
The past week was also memorable for the recent Supreme Court decisions. It's refreshing to see the justices actually looking at the Constitution and wrestling with what it means in light of the framers' intent (aka originalism). We are a republic built upon founding principles and a separation of powers. America is not a pure democracy, and like ancient Israel, we are accountable to a written document, and to a law higher than ourselves. In light of the court rulings, Erick-Woods Erickson summarized the past few weeks ironically as "the best Pride Month ever."
WE CELEBRATE LIFE! Kevin DeYoung writes, "The newborn baby lovingly cuddled for the first time and welcomed into the world with tears of joy is the same child who has been denied a right to live a few inches away on the other side of the birth canal." As of this Fourth of July we will see more unborn children come to experience their right to life. Even in states where abortion is still allowed, perhaps mothers will think more seriously of the life within their wombs. As I read this article, I was reminded how it was my generation, the baby boomers, who permitted this abortion tragedy to advance in our country.
WE CELEBRATE RELIGIOUS FREEDOM! Another good ruling: "By explaining that the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses work in conjunction, rather than in opposition, the court has reaffirmed that American believers do not need to leave their faith aside when they enter the public square." (Joe Carter) Many people misunderstand the concept of separation of church and state. Take a moment to read Prof. John Frame on what is meant by the "free exercise of religion" here.
Happy birthday, America! There is yet hope for you! Remember, "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people" (Prov 14:34). Let's keep praying and working for good: " the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare" (Jer 29:7).
-- Andy Naselli, a pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church and professor at Bethlehem College and Seminary, writes about resources to help us know our cultural moment and how to respond to it. Especially helpful is the clarification he gives on where evangelicals stand regarding race, gender, and politics (see the charts near the bottom of his article, adapted from Kevin DeYoung's book).
-- Did you know that some early Christians, at least by the fifth century, carried mini-codices (little books) of NT writings? They were much like the Gideons Testaments today, and similar in size, about 3.5" by 4". Michael Kruger, along with Dan Wallace, are two scholars who work with NT manuscripts. I find these guys fascinating to read. Here's what Kruger's up to recently.
-- And did you know that there are manuscripts for viewing at the Museum of the Bible in Washington DC? Definitely worth the visit!
"LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION." In expounding the Lord's prayer, Martin Luther applied the sixth petition this way: “Dear Lord God, Father, keep us brave and alert, fervent and eager in the use of your Word and service, lest we become complacent, lazy, or sluggish, as if we had need of nothing more, so that the fierce devil suddenly is able to catch us by surprise, deprive us of your precious Word, or create dissension and sects among us, or otherwise lead us into sin and shame both spiritually and physically. Rather, grant us wisdom and power through your Spirit, that as good soldiers we can conquer after resisting him. Amen.” (Martin Luther, A Simple Way to Pray)
BIBLE READING. I wrote a Bible reading guide based upon the M'Cheyne reading schedule, spread over two years. Here are links to the Fourth of July readings in 2020 and 2021. Readings in Jeremiah and Matthew are here. Readings in Joshua and Psalms are here.
FINAL QUOTE. “It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters.” (Edmund Burke)
That's it for week 28! Have a joyous Fourth of July weekend!
Image credit. Graphic of the U.S. Constitution courtesy of iStock.