What We Have in Common with Horse Statues

When I was visiting a good friend in South Dakota last month, we went to Hill City. It had a dinosaur museum, some good chocolate, and this horse statue. If you look closer, you can see different objects comprising the statue, from fish to human faces.
Lots of disruptions happened this month, and I have to rethink many preconceived notions while planning for the future. I still am writing fiction, and waiting to hear answers on a few submissions, but I also have to think about life outside the writing.
People are filled with many different metaphorical objects. Some of them are fish just swimming and doing their own thing. Others are screaming faces, facing endless cycles of stress. And we do what we can to manage all those figures, while appearing like a normal human being. Writing interests me because we can explore these multitudes, in different contexts.

What We Choose To Do With Our Time When Not Writing - Priya J Sridhar
What are you doing when not writing? Not everyone will need to put in 750 words every day. But what if we choose to be kind?

Recharging - Priya J Sridhar
What does it mean to not write? It means taking a break, and to let the writing genes resurface.

Writers Do More Than Write - Priya J Sridhar
What does it mean to write? Not just handing in your assignments and stories. It also means speaking up, and seeing a connected world.

Interview with Tracy Badua, Author of Never Getting Home | by Priya Sridhar | Writers’ Blokke | Apr, 2024 | Medium
On loss of friendships, music, and grief.

The Legacy of Televised Court Antics: Thoughts About O.J. Simpson And ‘American Crime Story’ | by Priya Sridhar | Counter Arts | Apr, 2024 | Medium
How an FX series talked about grief, manipulation, and consequences.

The End of NaNoWriMo for Me. After Allegations of Inappropriate… | by Priya Sridhar | May, 2024 | Interstellar Flight Magazine
After Allegations of Inappropriate Response to Abuse, the Online Writing Community Struggles to Make Sense of It All: One MLs Perspective

Four Picture Books About Sports: Wild Blue; Ballet Kids; Karate Kids; Saturday Is Swimming Day | by Priya Sridhar | Permanent Nerd Network | May, 2024 | Medium
Another day of kids exercising.