Two Months

My friend Bettina is great at cross-stitching. A few years ago, she made a beautiful homage to Steven Universe and Undertale, both fandoms we adore. This year, she gifted me a detailed Dungeon Meshi cross-stitch for my birthday. It was an amazing surprise.
I’ve been getting signs to let go of old relationships and tethers that have been dead in the water for months or snapped in the past few weeks. It’s hard to let go, because you want a relationship, platonic or otherwise, to last forever.
So I cleared out an envelope I had filled with greeting cards from friends and loved ones over the years. I took out about a dozen cards from people that I had once trusted, but who didn’t stand up for me when it counted, and hid skeletons I only learned about later. Those went in the trash.
As if by telepathy, one of those group members messaged me. Another sent a friend request. I haven’t responded to either them, because I don’t know what to say. They were there, joining in on the negativity or futilely fighting it.
Instead, I rearranged a bulletin board where I put up sentimental notes, presents and convention badges. I put the badges in a closable pencil holder and the kind messages in that envelope. And I centered the cross-stitches made my a friend who I know has always had my back.

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